Oh no

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Angel hates the winter in hell. Everything snowed over, it got colder and his body would become slower. He wasn't the only one who hated the winter though, Husk didn't like it mostly because of the cold weather and the fact it reduced the millions of demons willing to gamble with him. Baxter didn't like the fact that he couldn't go out and buy some shit for his experiments, Crymini didn't appreciate the fact that she couldn't go out shopping, and Alastor? He didn't mind it. He actually enjoyed winter, and not only because everyone was in a bitter mood, but mostly because of the snow. He loved snow as a child, and even as an adult human. But he also hated it because when he died, he fell into a forest floor, covered in snow. He take notice though, of how pretty the snow looked covered in his blood. And it was the last thing he saw before he died.

"OHMYGODGUYS-" that's all the misfits heard as Charlie tumbled into the kitchen. Everyone perked their heads toward the princess, Vaggie walking over and helping her calm down.

"Alright, now, what's wrong..?" She asked, Charlie basically bursting with excitement as she yelled, "WE'RE SNOWED IN!"

"WHAT?!" "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" "YOU CANT BE SERIOUS!" "SAY SIKE RIGHT NOW!" "WHY ARE YOU SO HAPPY ABOUT THAT?!" "Why that simply is just terrible, my dear Charlie!"

Charlie seems to recoil as everyone except Vaggie and Alastor yelled at her, Vaggie trying to calm everyone down only to get into an argument with them. She even threatened to slice their heads off, which Crymini growled out "AS IF! YOU DONT HAVE THE BALLS TO DO IT!" And Husk laughed at Niffty going, "LITERALLY!"

Angel finally took notice of how Charlie looked like she was about to cry and immediately was at her side, smiling down at her. " 's all good. It'll be fine, pumpkin." He said, rubbing one of his hands up and down her back in a comforting manner.

Then he yelled at the top of his lungs, "LISTEN HERE YOU LIL' SHITS! ....and Vaggie." Vaggie held in a laugh at that, "YOU WILL ALL HAVE FUN TONIGHT. AND I DONT WANT ANY FUCKING COMPLAININ'! IF YA DO, I WILL PERSONALLY RIP YOU ALL, EXCEPT VAGGIE, TO SHREDS! NOW ZIP IT!!" Everyone watched in shock and Vaggie laughed as she high fives one of Angels hands, Charlie giggling softly, and Alastor just giving the others a smug look.

Everyone then set off to the living room, Charlie grabbing out a box and taking off a lid, throwing each misfit a sweater. Charlie put her own on, hers was a light red with green strips on each arm, and beside the strips were little white hearts.

Vaggies was a pale purple, the words, "TIS THE SEASON TO DRINK COFFEE" printed on the back which made her laugh when Angel told her.

Angel got a pride one, the words "Don't talk to me or my son ever again." on the front, his silhouette holding a tiny, white pig. He immediately hugged Charlie, thanking her while she giggled as he kissed her face multiple times making Vaggie just smile while rolling her eyes.

Husk and Niffty each got a sweater, Husks being a dark grey one with the words, "I'm here, now where's the beer?" On it. He chuckles at that before putting it on. Niffty's sweater was bright pink and had a yellow heart on her chest. Husk helped her put it on, which everyone found adorable.

Baxter got a light blue one with yellow stars on it with a test tube on the stomach part, white subsistences spilling from it. He practically threw it on, causing everyone to laugh at his eagerness.

Crymini got a white one with pink polka dots all around it. She giggled softly at it and thanked Charlie.

Alastor got a bright red one with black dripping from the collar bone down to the chest area, a reindeer on his stomach with light red eyes and a bright yellow smile on it. His smiled softened a bit as he slipped it on.

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