Yare Yare Daze

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A/N: writing for sad children is hard because being on crack is normal for me  so sorry if this is shit ahahahahha

Todorokis P.O.V



are you feeling ok?

i'm fine.
don't worry about me.

i don't believe you.

sho, i'm completely fine.
please believe me.

i'm coming over.

Shoto has gone offline!


Hanake has gone offline!


Todoroki was on the way to Hanake's house. He was really worried about Hanake. Hanake was trying to make it seem like she wasn't depressed as fuck. Her brother walked in her room while questioning what the fuck was happening.

Hirotoki: Hanake, you good?

Hanake: yeah i'm just cleaning up because i'm bored

Hirotoki: alright

Hanake: you can go now

Hirotoki: i'm just worried

Hanake stopped what she was doing.

Hanake: why is everyone on earth worried about me? i'm completely fine!

Hanake got really angry for some odd reason. She didn't know what she was mad about.

Hirotoki: you haven't had anything to eat since you got back

Hanake: maybe i'm not hungry

Hirotoki: you have to be hungry

Hanake: get the fuck out my room

Hirotoki: i'm telling ichika to make you waffles

Hirotoki said that and left. Hanake started crying and flopped down on her bed.

Hanake: stop crying damnit...

While Hirotoki was watching Diamond is Unbreakable, there was a knock on the door. Hirotoki got up and opened the door.

Hirotoki: oh

Todoroki: hi

Hirotoki didn't want to let him inside but then he realized that he was probably here for Hanake.

Hirotoki: i'll only let you in because i know Hanake isn't doing her best

Todoroki: thank you

Todoroki walked inside while Hirotoki was regretting what he just did. Hirotoki went back to watching Diamond is Unbearable while Todoroki was on his way to comfort the depressed child. He knocked on the door to her room and waited for a few seconds. Hanake was startled and wiped her tears. She got up and opened the door. She had a little smile on her face which she only did when Shoto was around. Shoto places his hand on her head.

Hanake: why do you always do this?

Todoroki: because you're adorable {A/N: lmao writing this made me cringe i can't-}

Hanake: not really but ok

Hanake sat down on her bed and pulled out her laptop. Shoto sat down next to her.

Todoroki: what are you doing?

Hanake: i wanna watch Blend-S

Todoroki: oh ok

Ichika came on the room with waffles for her little sister.

Ichika: i've come to save you from starving

Hanake: i'm not hungry

Ichika: yes you are

Ichika put the waffles on the bed and left. Hanake was very hungry so she took a bite of one. She didn't really want to eat anything so she just put on Blend-S. About 15 minutes passed and Todoroki was starting to worry. He cut the waffle and tried to get the starving child to eat. She paused Blend-S and tilted her head.

Hanake: what are you doing?

Todoroki: i want you to eat food

Hanake: but i'm not hungry

Todoroki: please eat it

Hanake: fine

Hanake didn't want to eat but she didn't want Todoroki to worry. She ate the waffle and enjoyed it. Todoroki kept doing it until it was done. They continued watching Blend-S until they both fell asleep.


Hirotoki and Ichika were going to Hanakes room to see how his sister was doing. They didn't give a shit about Todoroki. When they got there they started screaming.



Hanake and Todoroki woke up being confused as shit. Hirotoki pulled Todoroki off the bed and Ichika jumped on him. Hanake was so confused and tried to process what the fuck was happening. After 3 minutes of abuse, she finally decided to have common sense and stop it.


Ichika: NO


Hirotoki: ok

Hanake: yare yare daze

Ichika: is that a jojo reference?

Hanake: oh shit

Hirotoki: i think Todoroki is dead

Ichika: probably

Hanake: not the yaddas

Hanake picked up Todoroki and put him on her bed. She also slapped Hirotoki and Ichika for abusing him. After that, she fell asleep.

ahaha hello
this was bad
idk what this is anymore

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