merry new year (but this is ew)

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ok we're skipping to when people are here because i hate myself

Everyone was at Minas house having fun on their last day of 2019. Hanake was in the corner being the depressed little shit she is. She managed to sit there long enough to fall asleep. Hirotoki didn't really give a fuck about her and Ichika didn't either. Izuku noticed Hanake and tried to wake her up and she did after 15 tries.

Hanake: let me sleep

Izuku: no

Hanake: fuck you then

Izuku: no

Hanake: oh ok

Izuku: bitch get up

Hanake: no i'm tired

Izuku was tired of her shit and picked her up like the sleep deprived child she is.

Hanake: put me the fuck down

Izuku: no

Hanake: ok i'll sleep here now bye

Hanake fell asleep in the span of two seconds and Izuku was about to throw her on the floor. He didn't do that because Hirotoki would murder him. The most depressing thing about this situation is that Ichika saw Izuku with a sleeping Hanake in his arms. Ichika told Hirotoki about this and they attacked him immediately. Hanake woke up to being thrown on the floor by her older siblings.

Hanake: what the fuck is going on at the moment?


Hirotoki: YEAH

Hanake got up and bitch slapped them because they're stupid sometimes then took them outside to yell at them. After that, the three of them sat on the floor and did some shit.

Hanake: can i sleep?

Ichika: no

Hirotoki: we came here for a reason

Ichika: and that reason is to have fun

Hirotoki: something like that

Ichika: i-

They started talking about Jojo and why Josuke is a great person in general but while that happened, Mineta showed up behind Ichika for whatever reason and tried to snatch her shirt. Little did he know, Hanake and Hirotoki actually care for that bitch.

Hanake: should we.

Hirotoki: yes

They both got up and grabbed him. They went outside, got some sticks, and fucking threw them on him. They didn't do anything extra because they realized that they were too tired for that. When they got inside, Hanake decided to be social and tried to talk to Katsuki. Hirotoki followed and Ichika was left on the floor to die. Mina came over to Ichika decided to actually comfort her and not be on crack for once. Everything was under control for a few hours and it was suspicious.


Bakugou and Hirotoki ended up being a couple because fuck and ended up kissing at midnight hooray merry christmas.


ok i promise this will be better tomorrow because apparently i only have motivation at night and i got really lazy
that ending was a shitpost because i had no idea what to write and i'm tired
i'm sorry for being a really shitty author
ahshshsnshsnanabwbsns byeeeeee

edit: idk what to do so i'm sorry this ending is complete ass uhhbyvgcfrrffeedsa bye

Bitch- (MHA oc fanfic I guess Lmao)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin