Chapter 2

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I slammed the alarm clock, not really excited for my first day at school.  It doesn't help that it's Wednesday, out of all god forsaken days. Who even starts school in the middle of the week?! Anyways, I sit there for about five minutes, contemplating wether to skip the rest of the week and wait till Monday to introduce myself to whom I'd be spending the next two years with.

I decided that I would just power it through this week, and while doing so, ask about night racing to some kid with the name 'Hitoshi Shinsou', some of my racing pals from last school had recommended that I get with him to become apart of the racing cliché in this part of town. I soon enough throw on the a nice pair of clean freshly washed jeans, and a purple t-shirt along with a jean jacket.

I then walk to the kitchen in my socks and pour a bowl of cereal, quickly eating it. After washing the bowl out, I walk towards the door and put on my shoes and walk outside to get to bug, who is my dad's old buggy who I've been taking care of.

"Morning bug! Are you ready to start at this new school? I know I'm not."

:time skip:

As I made it to the school, I grabbed my bag, locked bug up and wished her farewell. Now it's time find that Hitoshi guy.


Nevermind, I'm gonna take a guess that was the get-to-class-or-else bell.  Time to find the office and get all of my classes and all that stuff.

As I enter the school I see that the the hallways filled to the brim with the colors white and red is empty. I see the office, and and make my way towards it with bag.

I enter the double doors and find boy with purple hair at the front of the desk. Maybe an aid? I'm soon confronted by a woman in all black who has seemed to aged fairly well. She asks me

"Are you Y/N L/N?"

I respond with a nod, saying that I am them. She then hands me a stack of papers. I'm most of it is the student guid book, a small portion of student signed things, and a single paper of what is my schedule. The woman speaks up again talking to the purpled haired stranger.
I'm then confronted by said stranger then told
(Key: Y/N, Hitoshi)
"Come on, I'm showing you around"

"And you are???"

"Hitoshi. Hitoshi Shinsou. And you?"

"You can call me Y/N, now, shouldn't you be showing me around?"

"Yeah, now let's get going."

"Cool beans"

:time skip:

"And that's the tour, any questions?"

"Yes, but it's more so off the school topic"

"Ask away."

"How do I get into the racing business in this town?"

"You're gonna have to prove to me that you can race first."

He said that and the only thing I could say was:

"Give me a place and a time, and you'll have enough proof to put you in a coma"

"I like your style, meet me 4:00pm at midnight boulevard. That's where we'll start, I'll give you more info if you show"

He had said while he was walking back towards the office, after he left I decided It would be better if I actually showed to my first morning class, and did so.

Race Me! [t.Shoto x gender neutral! reader]Where stories live. Discover now