Movie Night

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'Wtf how did I get here?' Peter thought as he realized he was in his room in his bed.

"Peter?" Tony says as he walks into the room.

"Hi Mr St..." Peter says before hes cut off and pulled into a hug.

"Peter!! I was soo worried!" Tony says as he hugs Peter.

"Uh what happened?" Peter says confused.
(Yesterday Morning)
"Hey Mr Captian sir" Peter says walking into the kitchen after sleeping for a total of 4 hours because he watched The Arrow on Netflix all night.

"Hey Peter. Would you like some chocolate chip pancakes?" (You guys wanted chocolate chip instead of blue berry 😁👍) Steve says with his perfect smile.

" Ya sure" Peter says taking a seat at the kitchen counter on a stool.

"So what do you want to do today?" Steve says putting down a plate full of pancakes.

"Eh idk, maybe we can watch a" Peter says with his mouth full of pancakes.

"Peter dont talk with your mouth full!!" Steve says glaring at the boy with a disapproving look.

"Ok boomer" Peter says with a chuckle.

"Uh what does that mean?" Steve says confused.

"Dont worry about it" Peter says continuing to eat with a smile.

" Ok, well anyways. Ya, we can watch a movie! Go and tell Tony and Bruce that we will watch one tonight at 9" Steve says taking Peters plate after he ate every crumb.

"Ok!" Peter says with a smile and head down to the lab to visit the science bros"
_________LINE BREAK_______

(In the lab)
"Brucie I dont know what tf im doing wrong!" Tony wines looking over his calculations for his suits new thrusters.

"Ok Tony, first off stop calling me 'brucie' and second, you forgot to add 4 to the 826483924849292x+7 raised to the 7284993 power" Bruce says rolling his eyes like it was the easiest math problem ever.

"Oh" Tony says looking dumbfounded. "Thanks Brucie!!" Tony says with a smirk.

"Ughhh" Bruce says as he rolls his eyes and turns back to his project.

"HEY GUYS!" Peter says entering the lab with glee.

"Hey Petey!" Tony says with a smile.

"Hey Mr Sta...Tony!!" Peter says walking over to one of his idols. "So I came down here to tell you guys that WE ARE HAVING A MOVIE NIGHT!!" Peter says jumping up and down with joy.

"Oh cool! What movie are we watching?" Bruce says to the cheerful boy.

" uh....we can vote later!! Movie night starts at 9PM! Ill see u guys later!" Peter says skipping out of the lab.

"Bye Peter!!" Tony says excited for the movie night.

________LINE BREAK________

(Peters bedroom)
"Jarvis, where is my suit?" Peter says to the AI.

" Peter, I really dont think its a good idea to go out as spiderman again without telling sir" Jarvis says in his worried British accent.

"Im fineeee Jarvis! Just tell me where my suit is!!" Peter says getting annoyed.

"Its in your closet" Jarvis says still worried for the spider.

"Thanks J!" Peter says going to the closet, putting on his suit, and jumping out his window.

"Wooohooo" Peter says swinging building to building with his webs.

"Someone please help!!" A lady yells from a distance.

"Well that my cue!!" Peter says swinging over to the lady's voice. As he nears the voice he sees a burning apartment building.

"Oh no" Peter says as he swings over to the burning building. Then he lands next to the lady.

"Please! Help! My daughter is still in the building!!" The lady says crying.

" Hey, dont worry!! Just tell me what room shes in" Peter says as fast as possible.

"Room 214" The lady says with a little bit of hope. Peter doesn't even waste time saying 'thank you' and heads into the flaming building. 'Damn its so hot' Peter thinks while wearing his thin, not firefighter, suit.

"Hello? Anyone here?" Peter says walking through the hallway that is about to collapse soon. Peter then sees room 214. But theres a huge hole in the way. "Damit! Ok well I guess im going to see to jump!" Peter says backing up to get a headstart. "Ahhh" Peter yells as he runs towards the hole and jumps over it while doing a front flip. "Hello? Anyone in here?" Peter says dodging a falling piece of burning wood. He knows he has about a minute before the building collapses.

"Help" He hears a little girl say. He sees her in the closet and picks up the girl.

"Cover your mouth and nose" He says to the girl and starts to run out of the apartment, and over the hole. Then he starts to run towards the window at the end of the hallway until a piece of the wood ceiling collapses. "Ahhh" Peter yells as he gets crushed by the piece of wood. He tosses the girl just before he gets hit and she makes it to the window. And as he's laying on the floor covered with the burning wood he sees a figure pick up the girl and fly out. Then everything goes black.
____FLASHBACK ENDS________

"Oh so thats what happened?" Peter says rubbing the back of his head embarrassed he couldn't get out of the building himself and Tony had to save him and the girl.

" Ya. Next time tell me kid and be careful!!" Tony says looking like he just aged 2 more years.

"Ya, I will Mr Stark, I will"

"Now lets go have that movie night!"

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