Happy New Years!

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Ashley and Brooklyn were at a New Years party that neither of them wanted to be at. The only reason they were there was because of the food. And the fact that Ashley's sister, Lexi, was hosting it, which made Ash feel like she needed to go... And to bring Brook.

Anyways, the pair of girls were walking around the house filled with drunk people and 20 sober people. Ash then spots a table with alcohol, and Brook spots it too.

"Brooklyn, listen to me," Ashley says.

"What do you need?" Brooklyn asks.

"Whatever you do, stay away from that table."

"I'm fine with alcohol, I don't know why you're worried..."

"Brook, once you start drinking, you can't stop. Like, I have to pull you away from the stuff just to make sure that you don't get a massive hangover."

"I don't remember that fact."

Ash sighs, "Dude, just stay away from the table."


"Good," Ashley then spots a food table, "You'll be fine by yourself right?"

"Yeah, I'll be okay."

"Okay, see ya, and don't go near that table!" Then Ash rushed off.

Brooklyn looked back at the table with the alcohol on it. She looked in the direction that Ash went, seeing that she wasn't paying attention to her. So, she went to that table and got a Red Solo cup™ and poured some drink (I don't know alcohol) in said cup.

After finishing whatever was in the cup, she poured herself some more, making it almost overfill.

She finished that cup and poured another, and another, and another. Then, Brook stopped and decided to go find Ash, who was still at the food table.

Brook stumbled over to Ash. She then hugged her. "Uh, Brooklyn," Ash asks turning towards her, "Are you- Why do you smell like alcohol?"

"N*hic*o, I don't! *Hic*"

"Brook, how much did you drink?"

"9 bones."

"Yeah, okay, sure..."

"Hey, *hic* Ash? Can we go back to that *hic* table?"

"No, we're going somewhere else."


"Somewhere where you won't get drunk," Ash pulls at Brook's arm sleeve, "Come on."

————Time Skip———–

The two friends ended up in one of the many living rooms in the house.

"Hey, Ash," Brooklyn points at the TV, "The bell is *hic* dropping."

"Yeah, it is." After Ash said that, the people around them started to say, "Ten!"

Brook looks at Ash.


Ash looks at Brook.


They inch closer to each other.


They inch even closer.


Brook puts her arms around Ashley's waist.


Ashley puts her arms around Brooklyn's neck.


Brook takes one of her hands and puts it under Ash's chin, making her face tilted upward.


The two inched closer, basically breathing on each other.


Their lips become centimeters apart, almost touching.


Their lips touch, for at least 10 seconds, before they spit, both saying, "Happy New Years..."



"How drunk was I last night?" Brooklyn asks.

"You kissed me," Ash says bluntly.

Brook blushed, "W-what? I couldn't have been that drunk..."

"You were, trust me."


To Be Continued

Moral of the story: Don't bring Brooklyn near alcohol, unless you want to ship her with her best friend.

Anyways, thanks for reading this dumb and cringe-worthy story so far.

Have a great day and evening (also a happy New year)!

Adiós Bellas! See you in 2020!

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