An Valentine's Date

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"Y'know Brook, I thought of something that we could do together for Valentine's," Ash says.

"Please don't tell me," Brooklyn replies.

"Awww, why not?"

"I don't trust you, let alone what you're about to say."

"Hear me out, I'll think you'll like it~"

"... No thanks."

Ashley puts her hand over her heart. "Brook, I thought we were friends. I thought you liked me!"

"In what context?"

"Listen, Brooklyn, I'm doing a dramatic monologue. Leave your comments for later."

"Okay, damn."

"Like I was saying," Ash clears her throat, "I thought that we had something! Something special!"

"Christ, you sound like my ex..." Brooklyn says.

"ShHhHHhhHhhhHhh! Let me be dramatic!"

"Just wrap it up!"

"Ugh, fine! You never let me have fun..."

Anyway, Ash continues, "But no! You'll probably kick me out like my ex! I should probably start packing my bags now!" She crosses her arms.

'Is it too late to run away?' Brooklyn asks herself.

"Did I go too far?"

Brooklyn looked at Ashley with the most deadpan look she could do. "Obviously."

"Heh, sorry."

"Uh-huh. Listen, I'm just gonna go somewhere else, maybe catch up with my brother, or my other friends," Brooklyn gets up and starts walking backward, "So, you go to your other friends and say your idea to them."

"Brook, come  on!"

"Complaining isn't going to get you to stop me."

So, since that wasn't working, Ashley did the only logical thing in this scenario (well, she thought it was logical anyway). She ran up to her friend and grabbed her by her waist. Then, she pulled Brooklyn back to the chair she was sitting in and it hehee ook sits in the chair. And then, Ashley sat on Brook's lap, making sure that her friend couldn't leave.

"Okay, what the hell is for?" Brooklyn questions.

"I have to ask you something," Ashley says.

Brooklyn sighs. "Okay, what is it?"

"Please go on a date with me." Ashley bluntly says.

"... I'm sorry, what."

"Please. Go. On. A. Date. With. Me."

"I know what you said, it's just... What."

"I want you to go out with me. Please...  It's Valentine's."

"... No."

"What do you mean, 'No'?!"

"I'm not going on a date with you, and there's nothing you can say-"

"I won't annoy you for the rest of the week."


"And, I'll pay."



"I can't believe I'm actually doing this..." Brook mumbles.

"You love food just as much as I do. And the prospect of silence." Ash replies.

"Yeah, but- I don't know, this just feels out of the ordinary for me."

"When was the last time you were even on a date?"

"Does that matter?"

"Maybe, maybe not."

Brooklyn sighs. "I- I don't know... Probably 2 years ago... I think."

"Wow... That's sad."

"Yeah, yeah... When's the last time you've been on a date?"

"2 months ago."

"With who?"

"You, duh. Who do you think I'd be talking about?"

"Someone else."

"Ooooh... Well, a month ago then with some guy."

"Why didn't you just ask the guy? It would save a lot of time and energy."

"I didn't like him that much, and I prefer you anyway."

"I- Good Lord, okay."


"We're here," Ashley then whispers, "And queer."

"I regret taking you out on this date," Brooklyn says.

"No, you don't~"

Brook becomes silent and puts her head in her hand. Ash then says, "I don't know why you're acting like that, you know it's true."

Brook stays silent and starts to walk off. Ash obviously follows her friend.

The two didn't really talk after that, Ash was just trailing her friend, and Brook was just there.


The two got a table, and surprising Brooklyn, the dinner was pleasant, and she didn't want to bang her head on the table.

Another surprising thing is that pull anything stupid, that would make Brook question her sanity.

"Well that wasn't so bad, right?" Ashley questions.

"Surprisingly no, good job with not making it atrocious. I know how hard it is for you to not be annoying." Brooklyn replies, patting Ashley's head.

And, that was the end of the night, I guess.

To Be Continued

Currently, this is the longest written chapter in this story.

So that's a thing.

Anyway, thanks for reading this dumb and cringe-worthy story so far.

Have a great day and evening.

Adiós Bellas!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2022 ⏰

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