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"Hey,  Brooklyn it's snowing!" Ashley pushes her face to the window.

"Yeah, it's January," Brook says, more focused on her book than her friend.

"Can we go outside together?"

"You can go outside by yourself, you're an adult after all."

"But aren't you gonna be lonely?"

"No, I'll be fine."

"What if I get hurt?"

Brook closes the book. She gets up and says, "I'm getting the jackets."


"Why's the jacket so big?" Ash asks.

"Don't worry about it," Brook then gets a scarf and puts it on Ash, "It's missing something... Oh, right," She gets some gloves and puts them on Ash's hands, "There."

"This is a bit much, don'tcha think?"

"No, looks fine to me."

"I'm dying in this thing."

"Then go outside."

"No, I'm waiting for you."

"You have to put your sweater and scarf."

Brook sighs, "Fine."

She puts on the two items and says, "Happy?"

"Yeppers!" Ash pulls her friend's arm and sped walked to the door. She opened the door and looked amazed.

"You're acting like a little kid," Brook says, looking at Ashley's face.

"Don't I always?"

"I guess you do."


They were walking and talking in the snow, occasionally stopping so that Ash could admire the snowy scenery.

"Oh, there's a snowman." Ashley points.

"What in the hell...?"

Brooklyn looks at the random snowman that was sitting on the ground. Ash started to go towards it.

"Ash, what are you doing?"

"I wanna hug it."

"It's a snowman, why would you want to hug a snowman?"

"Because I can."

"Good Lord... You could just hug me you know..." Brook mumbles.

"I don't know what you said, but I think you're whining."

Ash continues to walk to the snowman and hugs it.

'God, it's cute, but she's losing it...'

"Okay, we're going home."

"Ugh, fiiiiiiiiiine."

To Be Continued

Sorry for the wait. But at least I got it out.

So, thanks for reading this dumb and cringe-worthy story so far.

Have a great day and evening.

Adiós Bellas!

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