Well then

4 0 0

Is that how you think of me?

It make sense
It make perfect sense

Why you always leave me out
Always leave me out of inside jokes
Making me the joke

It's okay though I joke around too but
Sometime it gets me
It makes me think that I'm no good

Treating me like a no body
Like my feeling don't matter,
It used too

I'm used to it

Was it because you're better than me
Is it because of money
The driving I go through?

Yes I know I'm not the best person
I know I'm lazy,
But like everyone else I do deserve some kind of complement of any kind
Even the smallest things

"You look nice!"
"Thanks for holding my jacket"
"That's a good idea"
"Way to go!"
I will honestly take anything!
My heart just need a little one,
a tiny one

Maybe, after all, probably I do deserve it
I'm worthless
You deserve to find someone better than me
I hope you realize it and forget about me

I'm not worth remembering...

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