Rules of Membership

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The Elite Community is a membership based club that comes with its own rules and regulations. They are as follows:

1. All members must follow Community Founders.

2. All members must follow all fellow community members.

3. All members must add all official resource books to a reading list. They are as follows:

Official Handbook

Membership Log

News and Announcements

Beta Buddies (if participating)

The Elite Awards (if judging)

4. All members must participate in judging for at least one award season. This includes the Elite Awards, or any smaller contests throughout the year.

5. All members must be ACTIVE members within the community. Any members who fail to dedicate at least two to three hours a week to the community face losing their place within the community.

6. All communication between members must be constructive and respectful. We will not tolerate any form of bullying or harassment within the community.

7. ADMINS must host at least one event over the course of the year (i.e. short story contests, poetry contests, holiday contests, etc.).

8. GRAPHIC DESIGNERS are responsible for running the Elite Community Graphics Shop, ensuring that all requests are completed in a timely manner. Further explantation on the The Shop can be found later in this book.

9. Any issues, whether with a fellow member or with the community itself, must be brought to the Founders so they can be dealt with fairly and quickly.

10. Connect. Make friendships within this small club of likeminded writers. What you put into the club is what you'll get back from it.

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