Our Elite Designers

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It isn't just the writing that makes a book Elite.

 How many times have you scrolled past a story simply because its cover was displeasing, or you couldn't read it, or it just...didn't have one? You never stopped to give it a chance, and who knows? Maybe that one story with the bad cover had the potential to be your next favorite book.

Here at the Elite Community, we're looking to strengthen books in all aspects, including their first impressions: the cover. Because of this, we are actively setting spots aside in membership for graphic designers. As an Elite Designer, your expectations and requirements are a little different than that of basic member. Here's how.

The Shop:

As an Elite Designer, The Shop will be your sole responsibility to run under the guidance of both the Founders and our head designer, NoseDeep

Think of it as a marketplace. You, as a designer, set up your own "stand". This is where you will advertise your services and previous work. Members of the community, as well as non-members, can then commission you for a project depending on the guidelines you set. 

Be warned: all interactions with customers will be monitored! Any false promises, rude language, or generally mean-spirited interactions will lead to a suspension on your shop for one (1) week. There will be no second strikes. This isn't baseball.

Writing Competitions:

A requirement for all Elite Members is participating in at least one (1) award season within the calendar year. Judges will...well, judge. Admins will run the show behind the curtains to keep the ship in tip-top shape. The hosts will...well, yeah. They'll host. 

But for our Elite Designers, you will be required to provide graphic designs (i.e. "prizes") for at least one (1) award season within the calendar year. You are not limited to only one contest, but one is the minimum to be part of the club.


As an Elite Designer, you are still expected to engage within the community. This means you'll be invited to the Discord Server, and are free to bounce ideas off of other members about their work, the community, personal life...really, anything you want! 

In addition to the community chat room, Elite Designers will have their own chatroom to (1) correspond about The Shop away from the other members who are not directly involved, and (2) to share about a love for all things graphics! 

The 2-3 hour weekly commitment to the club is required for Designers, as well. Keep in mind that this is an average. Some weeks will be busier than others. And some will be...well, slow. 


The application for Elite Designers is similar to that of the application to be a judge, an admin, or a beta buddy. You'll need to include a portfolio of your work, and will not be responsible for providing a link to your writing project (if you have one). 

Head over to the Membership Log for more details!

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