Chapter 1

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Life was dull as it has always been for Michael Kline; wake up early, get dressed, go to work and snag some breakfast if he could. His dream of working for Microsoft, beta testing games, apps, and much more was what he was expecting. Instead, he was a simple office worker, taking calls, filling out paperwork, and all the dull jobs that he dreaded so much. 

He walked in the office where he typed on the computer, typing away as time goes on. As his work got closer to the end, Michael had to finish what he was working on before he could go home. But unfortunately, he was a quality over quantity kind of guy, so he didn’t go home until late at night.

It was around 11:00 pm when he finished the last of his paperwork. He fixed his tie as he got up. As he stood above his computer, he sighed. He grabbed his suitcase and walked into the elevator. As he going down to the first floor, he thought about his father, wondering what had become of him. As the door opened, his train of thought was cut off. He walked towards the entrance of the building when the security guard, Tyler, stopped him. 

“Long day again Michael, huh?”. 
Michael sighed, “Yeah Tyler, trying to please the boss you know. It’s not hard work but it’s so boring that it drains the life out of me”. Tyler laughed, “Seems like it. You look dead to me.'' Michael rolled his eyes: “Ha funny”. Tyler padded his back: “Loosen up a bit, Michael...Well, I’ll let you be so you can get home.” Michael smiled slightly, “I will try and thanks.”

Both men walked their separate ways. Michael walked out of the building and pulled out his keys as he walked towards his car. He got in and started driving through the lit-up city. He came to a stop to let an old couple pass, he wondered about how his mother would have looked like if she had reached that age, then he took a deep breath and drove home. 

He parked his car and got out, he walked towards the door and unlocked it. He walked into the ear wrenching screech of his macaw. He threw his suitcase on to the floor and made his way towards the cage. He smiled a bit and as he opened it the bright red bird flew onto his shoulder. The bird started playing with his hair as Michael walked towards the kitchen. He opened the alcohol cabinet, grabbed the whiskey and filled up a glass with ice. He made his way to the living room and sat the glass and bottle on the coffee table. He made himself comfortable on the couch, looked at the whiskey, and let out a sigh.

  The bird flew off and landed on the T.V. He poured the drink and took small sips as he watched the macaw bob his head up and down. He chuckled as he called for him “Ruby, come here.” The macaw flew onto his lap. Michael began to pet him as he took more slips of the whiskey.

Hours had passed; he went to pour himself another cup, before realizing that the bottle was empty. Michael had unconsciously finished a third of the bottle of Jack Daniels. He sighed heavily, putting the cap back on the bottle, even though he knew he’d pick it up again soon. His pet macaw sat in his cage, his eyes struggling to stay open, for the animal was tired. It was about 1:00 in the morning now, Michael’s eyes were heavy with exhaustion. His eyes squinted about the room. He staggered to his feet. He let out a low groan, as he rubbed his face with his hands. Tired, Michael slowly but surely, realizing the buzz hit a couple of glasses ago,  made his way to his bedroom, where he didn't even bother to change his clothes. He just fell onto the bed and slept.

Early the following morning, Michael awoke with a pounding headache. He grasped the side of his head and hissed out a groan. “Ugh, it’s only Wednesday, last night was a big mistake.” His gaze turned to the small clock on his nightstand. “CRAP!” He hollered out scrambling to his feet in a hurried fashion.  

He ran grabbing his suitcase. He slammed the door closed as he ran out. He opened the door of his car, threw his suitcase in and sat down. His hand was shaking as he put the keys in. He started the car and pulled out of the driveway. As he drove to work, he felt impatient and nervous. He parked in his stop and got out as quickly with his suitcase. He locked his car and walked in while fixing his tie. 

He walked nervously up to the secretary and spoke to her “Good morning Annabelle..”
She smiled “Good morning to you Michael but you don’t seem too well.”
He looked at her “Just feeling somewhat sick.” 
“I see, Michael. Well, I hope you feel better.”
“Thank you, Annabelle.” He hummed.
“No problem. Oh! Mason would like to see you, he’s in his office.” 

Michael KlineWhere stories live. Discover now