Chapter 2

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Michael sat down and look up at Mason.
Mason got up and went to his personal bar. He grabbed a glass, filled it up with ice and poured some rum.
He took a small sip “Michael you might be worried about me being mad at you being late.” he looked at his glass while spoke calmly, “You’re just like me. Unhappy with life."
Michael looked at him confused “Just like you? Unhappy?”
Mason walked towards him with a glass for him “Yes, Michael.” he placed the glass in front of him. 
Michael gently grabbed the cup and looked at him, “But you’re rich and have everything you can dream of.”
Mason looked back at Michael, “Riches can’t buy happiness.” 
Michael took a sip of the drink, feeling it burn in his chest.

Mason walked towards the window and looked out, “It’s Black Tot if you’re wondering. Anyways, the reason why I called for you, was to give you a promotion. I want you to by my personal assistant.”
Micheal gasped “Don’t you have one already?”
Mason laughed “Yes but I want you to be so much more Micheal. I want you to join me after work every day.”
Micheal whispered. “Yes, sir.”
Mason calmly said. “ Of course you will be paid more. What about one-hundred dollars an hour sound to you?”
Micheal gasp of surprise “What!?”
Mason turned his gaze towards him, and placed his hand on the desk, “What’s the matter? I thought you’d jump at the offer.”
Michael shook his head. “I’m honored, but..I’m quite comfortable in my cubicle in the office.”
Mason glared down at him. “You don’t have a choice in the matter, Mr. Kline.”

Michael glanced down at his hands, which were fiddling with the bottom of his red tie that was worn with age and wears. "I see…" he paused for a moment before looking up to the rather well-dressed man in front of him. 
"What time?"
Mason gave a triumphant smile and hummed. "9:00 pm sharp." His smile turned into a deep frown. "Don't be late." He said sourly, as he set his glass down and waved his hand to dismiss him. Michael nodded, and stood up taking his leave of the man's office. 

Michael after a few minutes returned to his small cubicle in the office. On his desk was neatly stacked papers, a coffee cup, two three-ring binders full of notes, paperwork, etc. and a small polaroid picture of his mother thumbtacked to a corkboard. He took a seat at his desk and began to type up an email to his colleagues about upcoming events and a notable sales drop concerning the company. 

Time seemed to drag on, seconds felt like minutes, minutes felt like hours. Michael glanced at the clock on the wall just above his office, it read 4:30. Michael sighed as he sent out the email to everyone in the office. 


The phone rang loudly, startling Michael, causing him to knock over his cup of coffee. It spilling all over the desk. Michaels mumbled. “Seriously?..” He reached over to answer the phone while taking a paper towel and cleaning up the mess.

Michael growled. “Hello?” 
“Is that the tone you use after someone just promoted you?” a male voice came from the other end.
“Oh! Apologies Mr. Campbell..” Michael said, holding the phone with his shoulder as he finished cleaning up the mess. 
“Please, call me Mason, Michael. Anyways, the reason I called was to ask if you would like to attend a party with me.” Mason said, a sly smile coming to his lips.
“Well, I-” He was cut off.
“Great! Be ready at 8:30 pm.” 

Michael sat there for a moment. He didn’t even get to finish his sentence. Mason cut him off before he could give him a definite answer. He let out a hefty sigh, slouching back into his chair and zoned out with a slight frown. 

A gentle female voice brought Michael back to reality. 
“Michael? Are you alright?” she asked.
“Huh?.. Oh, Yeah. I’m fine, Annabelle.” He said looking at his coworker, who gave a concern gazed. Her dark blonde hair was tied back into a bun, a soft red lipstick complimenting her porcelain skin. Her bright green eyes like jewels. She wore a tight, black pencil skirt, heels, and a light grey blouse, with a dark grey vest. 
Annabelle gave a shy smile. “Alright, Michael. You just seem a bit distant today. I worry.” She said softly rubbing the man’s shoulder in reassurance. 
“I’m fine, I promise. Thank you for the concern though, Annabelle. I appreciate it.” He said, straightening up his back, and beginning to resume his work.

     At the end of the day, Michael was feeling pressured to go to a party that he really didn’t want to attend. He liked parties but only when there were people at the party that he had known for some time. He went ahead and decided to wear his best suit because he wanted to make a good impression on the boss.

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