Chapter 4

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As early morning came to the busy city of Seattle, Mason was planning his revenge on his recently promoted employee, Michael. After what had happened last night.. being humiliated in such a way in front of the entire party had soured Mason's good mood for the day. He had an idea for Michael, He had a plan. 

When Mason arrived early to his office, he was surprised to find a small bottle of a white substance sitting neatly on his desk. 

'Baby powder?, gun powder?..Ah-' He thought to himself. Raising a brow he picked up the peculiar bottle, taking the cork off, bringing the lip of the bottle to his nostrils.  "Tokyo, snow, cocaine... It has many names, Mr. Campbell." A voice came from behind him. Mason slowly turned, his eyes locking with... Michael.  His chest swelled with a hatred for him, but he swallowed it. 

"Michael, I haven't asked you here. So why are you here?" He said putting the cork back on the bottle, slipping into the hidden pocket of his suit.  The rather, now, uneasy man straightened himself out, awaiting an answer from his peer.

"I came here because it fell out of your jacket yesterday..during our altercation. Which, Rosalind kissed me. Just thought you should know." Michael said, pushing his hair back then putting his hands into his pockets. Though he may have seemed tough, and un-moving, Michael was terrified of Mason and what he could do. He was sure that in a snap of his fingers his career would be destroyed. So he planned to kiss up and listen to Mason without question. Whether or not it was a good thing or not, time would only tell.

Mason walked towards him, taking a fist full of his shirt and lifted him so their faces were just inches apart. The taller man spat a sour growl. "You tell anyone about this, or anything about what happened yesterday.. I'll ruin your whole fucking career..and if it comes to it your life." He shoved him away, and lit up a cigarette. "Now, get the fuck out of my office."

Michael nodded, and dusted himself off. As he straightened his clothes he walked out of the office. He was no longer standing tall when he first entered the office. He was shrunken, small, and quieter than usual. He swallowed the itching fear he had in his throat and carried on with the rest of his day, and only talking business with his co-workers.

When the day came winding down to an end, Michael, as always was the last one to leave. He could be heard clacking away on his laptop in the new office Mason had given him after his promotion. It was late enough for the street lights outside to illuminate the roads outside and  give his office a soft glow. His lips drew out a long sigh, his computer screen fading to black. He was done with his work for the night. Mason probably had already left to his home. At least he'd be alone tonight. Or so he thought.

The house was silent when Michael entered, even his normally loud, squawking macaw was quiet. At least he'd be able to medicate in peace tonight. He took a seat in the private and secluded comforts of his bedroom, the man's anxiety coursed through his veins causing him to shake. He needed a drink, a smoke, just something to calm himself. Maybe he should have kept the small bottle of cocaine to himself. He would never admit it, but he did have the curiosity to try it.

As time began to pass, Michael found himself restless about his home. Unable to find the relaxation to sleep, or rest at all. Maybe it was his insomnia, maybe all he needed was melatonin. Exhausted, Michael made his way to the medicine cabinet and pulled out the bottle of melatonin. He popped two of the pills and made his way to his bedroom.

Author's note

gimme a break im trying lmao its hard to get out of a writer's block

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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