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The snoop deactivates their ability, and I can see that he is a light brown haired student with green eyes. 

"What is your name, and why were you spying on me and Arlo?"

I know that I am scaring him, but for some reason I just don't care. 


"Spit it out already!"

"I-I just s-saw you and A-arlo t-talking and I w-wanted to s-see what you were t-talking ab-bout..."


"I-I'm part of the p-press...I thought this would make a g-good article..."

I deactivate my ability. "I'm sorry, I didn't realise that you were a member of the press..."

Feeling guilty, I let him go and turn around to walk away, only to bump into Arlo. (Wtf is his jaw made of steel or something???) 

"Ah...sorry" He says.

"No worries" I reply. "He's just a member of the school press"

"And what is his name?"

"I didn't ask"

"Hmmmm...I'll ask Isen about this later...back to what we were discussing then"

"Turf wars...but does that mean I have to dethrone Remi?"

"Do you think you won't be able to?"

"No...it's just...I have no clue how to be Queen...I've been a low teir all my life and this has all come as a bit of a shock, to be honest."

"Don't worry, it will be easier than you expect. With your new found power, you have automatically moved up in the hierarchy. All you need to do is dethrone the Queen, and the rest will come naturally."

"I guess...but Remi seems really nice, I don't really want to hurt her..."

He rolls his eyes at me. "Then go easy on her- it's not exactly rocket science"

I think about his offer. Becoming a Royal would mean that no one would bother or bully me any more, and I could pretty much do what I want. And it seems like Arlo isn't expecting me to struggle, and there's no good reason for him to lie to me. After all, nobody could be that fixtated on the social order that they would lie to change the rankings, right?

"Do I just have to beat her in a fight then?"

Arlo lookes relived, almost as if he wasn't expecting me to agree with him. "That is correct. Should we go find Remi then?"

"...are you sure that Remi won't hate me? I'd hate to ruin the chance of a friend..."

He sighs. "Yes. Now come with me!" 

With that he grabs my wrist, but immediately lets go because of how cold it is. "Why is your wrist that cold?!?" He asks.

"Don't worry, that's normal. My healthy body temperature is -15°c"

"...I'm not even going to ask how the heck that works. Just. Come. With. Me!"

Pushy much, I think. No matter. I could beat him with my eyes closed.

I walk alongside him as he looks for Remi. I've decided that I will go easy on her, and heal any injuries right after our battle.

*Time skip brought to you by a lazy author :p*


After about ten minutes of searching, Arlo spots the pinkette by the lockers with her two friends.

"What do you want Arlo?" She asks, putting a hand on her hip as she shuts the locker.

"It's not me that wants you, it's her." He gestures towards me, and I give an awkward smile.

"H-hi guys"

"Oh! Clover! You okay? Was Arlo being a prick?" (Arlo: Ouch) 

I chuckle, and shake my head. "No...but he did say that he thinks I should dethrone you, and I wanna speak to you to check if you're okay with it..."

This! This is why I have no friends! I just can't speak to people without being weird! I internally scream at my non-existent social skills, but to anyone else I just have a pleasant smile on my face. 

I really hope no one here has a mind reading ability...

"Uh...why do you want to speak to me about it? You do realise that you don't need my permission right?"

"Yeah...I just don't really want to hurt you...is there a non-violent way to do this?"

"I guess I could just step down...that could work..."

"Nope! Clover, the school won't accept you as the Queen unless you display your strength in front of them" Arlo intervenes.

"But I already did that!" I protest. "I beat joker in front of everyone!"

"Yeah! And she could easily beat you too!" Says Remi, who is clearly on my side.

Arlo sighs. "Fine. You can hand over your title. But make sure the others know, or the school won't accept Clover as the new Queen."

I high-five Remi. "Yay!" We both say. Isen steps forward from behind Remi and speaks to me.

"I'm head of the press here at Wellston, and I could publish an article about you in the newspaper...that's if you don't mind, of course. And I would need to interview you, just so I can have all the facts to write the story"

"I'm cool with that" I give him a smile, and his cheeks tinge with red. Pretending I didn't see that, I turn to the girl next to me.

"Are you sure you don't mind stepping down as Queen? You won't even be jack, because Arlo got demoted when John defeated him...I really don't want to ruin our relationship over something like this." 

"Nah, you can be Queen. To be honest, I'm kinda glad that someone stronger is taking the title. It's tiresome being the weakest Royal, especially since I'm the Queen and I should be stronger than the jack...I'll help you with your Royal duties, but don't fret, you'll be fine." She starts to wag her finger at me, speaking in an accusing tone. "And you keep the other royals in line, you hear me? Make sure that John and Arlo don't kill each other."

I laugh. "I'll do my best."

Blyke finally speaks up, with a happy sigh. "I'm so relived that someone is finally stronger than John...at least you'll be able to keep him in line. How powerful are you exactly? You must be incredible, all royals except Seraphina and including Isen ganged up on him and he still beat us, even though only one of his arms was working properly"

"Yeah, do you even know what level you are? I'm sure the whole school is dying to know" Adds Isen.

Remi joins the conversation with a: "Yeah! You went to the infirmary to get your ability read, right? I don't want to sound like Elaine, but I'm desperate to know!!!"

"Alright, I'll tell you. But you won't believe me"

"We will!" The trio spoke at the same time in excitement to learn their friend's level.

"Well...the ability guy used the normal scale, which measured from 1.0-10.0, but it just read 'ERROR'. So he brought out a different machine, which measured 10-15. We tried again, and it read 'ERROR'. He brought out a third machine, which measured 15-20. And..."

"And!!!" Their faces looking at me with anticipation, they listen to what I say next.

"It worked this time, and my official ability level is 18.8"

There is silence.

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