Chapter 35: Holiday.

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Many months has passed.

Me, Taehyung, yoongi and jungkook were peacefully working out suddenly one of the managers called us "Everyone, kindly exit to wherever you are and make a line with your group outside." All of us heard from the speaker we dressed up and exited the gym.

"What do you think happened?" Taehyung said while walking outside trying to put his shirt on.

"Who knows?" Jungkook replied to taehyung while wiping off his sweat.

"The others are probably there." The oldest in here, yoongi said. We walked towards the grass like yoongi said the 4 other members were already there waiting for us.

"Hows the workout?" The leader asked.

"Great, how about you guys, how's the choreography lesson?" I replied.

"Great as well." He replied.

"Hm." I nod.

We lined up and waited for the other groups. Few minutes later everyone arrived confused like us. We greeted the other group. The Manager caught our attention

"Everyone, you are probably confused by the sudden announcement." We kept listening. "There is bad news and good news, we'll say the bad news first. The group BIGBANG from YG Entertainment will be replaced with YG Entertainment new girl group in 2016." We looked at BIGBANG's direction they didn't look shocked seems like they already knew about it and I guess there were fine with it. "But do not worry you have a great amount of time to spend with BIGBANG before they leave, infact it's too early to announce this, and the goodnews is you all are going to a holiday(/Vacation)" We cheered because of excitement. "you guys will be going to..." We waited for him to finish the sentence. "PARIS!"


"Are you serious!"

"Can you afford it!"

"That's so far!'

"How exciting!"

"Calm down, yes we are serious, the Entertainment you are in is the one who will pay for your flight if they will let you come." Will Bighit allow us? Hope so. "Tomorrow evening, we will announce the groups who can come in this Holiday. Thank you for listening! you all can go back to whatever you were doing." The groups went back on there work as well as us.

"A vacation huh?" I whispered while taking of my shirt.

"We haven't even planned our comeback." Taehyung said.

"You're right." Yoongi responded.

"It's fine guys, our latest comeback was just released days ago ." I  replied, it is true though it's been only 4 days since 'Run' was realased.

"It's December, Christmas is just around the corner." I looked at my phone's calendar and yoongi was right. It's currently December 3rd.

"Woah I didn't even notice." Taehyung commented.

"Is that why we're going to a holiday?" I questioned.

"For sure." Yoongi answered.

"Hey guys." Namjoon entered the gym with the other members.

"Hey." We greeted back. we were chatting about the holiday some of the members joined us working out some just took a rest. All of the groups left the gym now it is just I and the boys.

"I'm feeling hungry." Jimin sai,d   rubbing his stomach. We heard the door opening making us look at the door being welcomed with Twice.

"Hey boys, watcha doin'?" Twice's leader entered the room first.

"Nothing much." I answered.

"You guys wanna eat?" Jihyo asked.

"Yes! I am starving." Jimin replied happily.

"We'll just clean up." The members of twice nod. I, Yoongi, Tae, Jungkook, J-hope and Jin went in the lockers while the other members kept company of twice.

"Did anyone see my phone?" I asked worriedly searching inside my bag.

"I haven't." Jin responded.

"Guys?" I looked at them and they all shake their head. I looked back at my bag and reached out my shirt and wore it and went out.

"Did anyone see my phone?" I asked as I walk towards them. They all shake their head. "What the.."

"When is the last time you used it?" Namjoon asked.

"This morning."

"Where did you place it?"

"I don't know." Jungkook placed his arm around my shoulder.

"Calm down man, we can find it later." I just signed and nod.

"Everyone is here, let's go?" Namjoon insisted.


"See you guys." We bid our goodbye and headed to our dorm.

"Wish we can hangout with Twice more often." Taehyung said while getting ready for shower.

"They're fun." Jin replied.

"I'm gonna take a shower feel free to join me." Taehyung teased. I completely ignored them and immediately searched for my phone luckily it was just laying on my bed. I sighed in relief. I received a lot of messages from Jennie.


What are you doing?

You busy?

or you just don't wanna
talk to me?


And many more.

Sorry late reply.

Left my phone.

She isn't replying so i'm guessing she's doing something. I went in the living room and joined the other members watching a movie. I sat on the floor.

"Did you find your phone?" Namjoon asked.

"Yup." He just nodded.

"I'm so excited because we're having a holiday." Jimin said smiling.

"Let's sleep early today guys. We need to prepare for our concert." We have two bathrooms inside this dorm and the it is occupied by the two members Yoongi and Taehyung. The next ones are Jimin and J-Hope. Slowly the living room gets lesser and lesser until it gets to the point when it is just namjoon and me.

"Jin and jungkook are done. Let's go." I stood up and headed to my room then grabbed a towel and undergarments. I don't really take too much time in the shower so it took less than 10 minutes for me to finish. I entered the room with jungkook using his laptop probably watching something while the others are sleeping already.

"Namjoon said to sleep early."

"I'm just waiting for my hair to dry." Lame excuses. I grabbed the hair dryer. "Are you excited hyung?" I started a conversation.

"The holiday?" I nod.

"Of course, this is rare." I heard him close his laptop.

"You done?" I turned off the hair dryer and placed it back then placed my self comfortably on my bed."



"Goodnight, tae."

"Night, hyung."

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