Chapter 04: It Happened One Night

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The next scene is unexpectedly serene. Once again, we see Arthur observing the setting of the final scene in the movie, from some distance, while Alfred and Lily make yet another try at their kissing scene. Arthur's gaze is distant and contemplative and even though it is fixed on the actors and their interaction, as we approach the camera to his face, we delve into images of his thoughts.

They return to the dark street in front of Beilschmidt's Drinks and to the feeling of being wrapped tightly by Alfred and being kissed in a way he had not been kissed in years. With Alfred's arms around his waist, his firm body being pressed against his and his strong cologne entering Arthur's nostrils, Arthur feels as if exclamations are appearing in his head. Whether they are good or bad exclamations, he has no idea.

A bunch of thoughts rushes through his mind. Why is Alfred doing this? Is he trying to prove himself as a good kisser? Is he horny and unable to think straight? And more importantly, how should Arthur respond to this?

Even being ridiculously drunk, he is able to remember very well that Alfred F. Jones is an imbecile. That there is a fight between the two of them going on. That Alfred is probably straight and he's just being an idiot.

Still, something in the way Alfred's hands are running down his back and how his tongue seems to be trying to memorize every detail of his mouth is making Arthur weak. God, it's been a while since someone had kissed him that way. And as hard as it was for him to admit it, Alfred is stupidly handsome.

A small voice in Arthur's mind convinces him that everything is fine. He is drunk. They both are. He can use that excuse later to avoid any discomfort between them about their actions.

Honestly, this voice does not sound very trustable, but it's very tempting.

He puts his arms around Alfred's neck and begins moving his mouth against his and they are about to follow a very dangerous path when they are suddenly interrupted by the horn of one of their taxis arriving in the street.

The flashback ends and we return to Arthur's face in the previous scene. The memory of this incident made his face completely red. He slaps his cheeks a bit, trying to spread the blood on them and make them look normal again.

It's been three days since he and Alfred kissed.

They've met to record their scenes after that and Alfred didn't mention anything about it, so Arthur decided not to mention it either. It's possible Alfred doesn't even remember what happened, and honestly, lucky him if that's the case.

Arthur can't forget it.

The worst thing is that the memory doesn't come only when he is interacting with Alfred or seeing Alfred. Throughout his day, he has random flashbacks about it and inevitably he always ends up thinking about it before going to sleep.

A part of him can hardly believe that he was kissed by Alfred F. Jones. After all, Alfred probably only likes omegas. Omegas of his age, who are much prettier and more docile than Arthur is. If it had not been for the alcohol and his stupid pride, he probably wouldn't ever have kissed Arthur.

To be fair, Arthur also thought before that he would never kiss Alfred if he was sober. He thought he wasn't shallow enough to let a handsome smile and a set of strong arms make him forget that Alfred had a lousy personality.

It seems that he is shallow like this. If Alfred came to kiss him again, even if Arthur was sober, he would probably take it. Alfred was a pretty terrible person but one hell of a good kisser.

However, one thing Arthur didn't understand, no matter how many times he thought about it, was how Alfred could have kissed him amazingly when he was drunk and be so bad at kissing a cute omega in front of the cameras, while sober.

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