Chapter 08: Dracula (1931)

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A new scene starts with Arthur sitting at his kitchen table, writing a letter and drinking a cup of tea. The camera leans over his shoulder, showing that at the top of the letter there is an 'Alfred' in large letters. The word 'dear' seems to have been written next to it but scratched over.

Arthur writes a line. He scratches it. He writes another. He scratches it again.

He then takes another sip of tea and sinks his face into the table.

Perhaps it's dangerous to have hopes, but since Alfred's last visit, Arthur can't help thinking that he might have a chance with him. The way he didn't hesitate to hug and kiss Arthur publicly on that day was really... meaningful.

Maybe this isn't just a game or a joke for him. Maybe Alfred F. Jones actually likes him. These thoughts keep going through Arthur's mind.

Knowing that nothing will be solved if they remain silent about it, Arthur had decided to take the initiative to contact him to try to clarify at once what is happening between them.

He takes about a day to create the ideal letter. A letter that isn't too dramatic or detailed, but instead endowed with charm and honesty. In it, he tells Alfred that the experience of working together with him in the movie was rather fun and that he was open to the possibility of them having dinner together someday.

That's good, right? He doesn't seem too desperate, right? Oh, no, no. It looks great! How can he think something else? He seems in perfect control of the situation.... He repeats to himself over and over.

After the words "A week later" appear on the screen, we find ourselves looking at a scene in which Arthur gets undeniably disappointed as he passes by his doorman and sees that no correspondence for him has yet come. He walks to his apartment, with a grave look in his face, until he stops walking in the middle of it when a thought crosses his mind. His letter could have been lost by the post office, he infers with some relief and indignation. Oh, blazes. Why did he trust the damn post office?

He tries to send a letter again. This letter is a little more concise and definitely contaminated with Arthur's anxiety now. 'We should talk. Tell me when you have some free time.' is its main message.

Four days pass and he still doesn't get a response. It may have been another mistake made by the post office or it may be that Alfred is just slow to reply letters but either way, Arthur can't wait anymore. There is a simpler way to solve the problem: he needs to meet Alfred personally.

He goes to Alfred's apartment, dressed in his finest suit, with a box of chocolates under his arm. Not necessarily Alfred will receive that box, he thinks. If it looks like Arthur is trying too hard, he can simply show the box to Alfred and start eating its content in a show of dominance...! Urgh, this is getting a little ridiculous, isn't it? He groans, covering his face.

Knocking on Alfred's door, Arthur takes a deep breath. He covers his mouth with his hand for a moment. He is visibly nervous. His face is very red.

Alfred quickly opens the door. He is in surprisingly elegant clothes, considering that he is at home. Oddly, he's without his glasses too, and he needs to lean quite a bit to identify Arthur.

"Artie? What are you doing here?" he arches an eyebrow, confused.

Words immediately evaporate from Arthur's tongue.

"Ah... I... I wanted to... Uh..."

"Who are you talking to, Alfred?" a deep manly voice asks.

Alfred has visitors. And not just any visitors. When Alfred turns back to answer his guest with the shocking line "Oh, it's nothing! I'll be right back!", Arthur can see that it's James Walter on his couch, sipping a glass of wine, leisurely. James Walter, a fifty-two-year-old alpha who owns a multimillion-dollar motion picture company. James Walter, who despite being married to an omega, has a reputation for sleeping with other alphas when he feels like it. And this guy is in Alfred's apartment in the middle of the night, having a glass of wine.

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