Making Waves

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"Where are you!" Carlos called, his eyes searching the churning waves. Matthew had disappeared below them, and had not resurfaced. "Mattie!"
The loud chattering of seagulls was heard all around, and the huge waves only further disoriented the Cuban. His boyfriend was nowhere in sight. He closed his eyes, resigning himself to his fate. "At the very least, I can join you in your watery grave..."
His head slowly sank below the surface.

He was struck by a beach ball as he resurfaced, glaring at the assailant as the waves died down. It was a little kid, and she grinned over at Matthew widely. "Do I need to do it again?"
"No, no. Thanks though." Matthew handed her a five dollar bill, then waved Carlos over. Carlos ran up to him and threw his arms wide, about to hug him. Matthew stepped out of the way, his eyes wide as Carlos tripped instead.
When Carlos looked up at his boyfriend, he raised an eyebrow. "I thought you were forever lost to this raging sea, and now that you're back you're avoiding me? It would've been better had I been drowned by a siren."
"I went to get us some food, you dork." Matthew laughed, leading Carlos over to a table and setting the tray of various foods down. Carlos sat across from him, grinning widely.
"Oh, my saviour!" He said, grabbing a few cheese fries. "Seriously, you should speak up when you say you're leaving. Honestly, if you hadn't responded to my dramatics I was ready to go to security."
Matthew laughed and rolled his eyes, taking a bite of his slice of pizza. "At least I know you'd miss me."
Kids ran around them, and parents lazed on the pool chairs nearby. A horn sounded off, signaling that the waves were about to start up again. The chatter of a couple hundred people surrounded them.
"So, what do you want to do after this? We can look around some souvenir shops if you want." Carlos suggested.
"Yeah, that'd be best. The last thing we need is for one of us to get a cramp in the middle of a pool full of flailing bodies." Matthew said. He took a drink of his water, then raised an eyebrow slightly. "For our fourth time here, I've got to say that it's charm still hasn't worn off. Plus, the food is great."
Carlos nodded and smiled. "If you would've told me seven months ago that I'd be back here again, not with my cousin but with my boyfriend, I would've laughed. Then again, seven months ago was when I met you, so maybe I wouldve looked over at you and just known."
After a moment, Carlos blushed and looked away. "You know, hypothetically speaking."
"Yeah. I feel like I wouldve just looked at whoever said that like they were a weirdo, then walked away." Matthew said, then laughed. "I'm glad we ran into each other that day. Honestly, I had so much fun, and it was all because of you."
"Aw, Mattie, you're gonna kill me over here." Carlos huffed, chuckling.
When they were finished, they threw their trash away like responsible adults, then headed to one of the souvenir shops. The closest one sold shark tooth necklaces, which made Matthew a bit sad when he saw them, so they went to the next closest. It had candy and various little knickknacks upon the shelves.
"Hey, what do you think about this?" Carlos asked, picking up a little stuffed bear in a lifeguard outfit.
"Oh, how cute!" Matthew exclaimed, taking it and looking at it closely. "His big brown eyes remind me of my dog Kumakoko!"
Carlos grinned widely. "We'll get it then."
"Oh, no. I dont need it. Its fine!" Matthew insisted. Carlos just shook his head and grabbed it from Matthew, taking it over to the register. Matthew blushed and looked around for something that he could get Carlos in return. He gasped and walked over to a display, looking through the tropical themed keychains. Some of them were puns made with the names of various places, like the common one 'Jamaica me crazy.'
He saw one that was just a cube connected to the keyring by a chain. Across one of the faces, the words 'It's just a Cuba' were printed in bold. He immediately grabbed it and took it up to the register.
Carlos raised an eyebrow, not seeing what Matthew was getting before it was already paid for. Once he put the receipt in his waterproof wallet, Matthew turned to Carlos and held the keychain out to him. "Here. You needed a new one, right?"
Carlos traded the bear for the keychain, smiling when Mattie hugged the bear to his chest and looked at him in anticipation. They walked towards the door, and Carlos almost stopped completely as he read the words. Laughter burst out of him like a clap of thunder, loud and resounding. "A Cuba! God, Mattie, that's- that's perfect!"
Matthew smiled and grabbed Carlos' free hand, leaning into him a little as they made to walk around the park for a while.
"Yeah." He said. "It really is."

//864 words. I know it's short, but if I wrote too much you guys were gonna go into a sugar coma or something. Plus, I plan on double updating today.
//I can't spoil Ya'll TOO much right at the start.

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