The Cloud Prince (3)

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//Warning: Lemon at the end. It is separated by the little symbols, so you can skip over it if you wanna.

Weeks bled into months.

Carlos had spent his life in a daze since the last time he saw his Cloud Prince. It was as if his life had lost all of it's light; all of it's colour and meaning.
He felt as if he were an empty shell, going through the motions of his daily life. He didn't talk to the other workers any more, and hardly ate any more. He slept when he could, and yet he did not find himself in the garden.

"- just worried about you. We... We all are." Carlos blinked, meeting eyes with the maid in front of him. She furrowed her eyebrows, clasping his hand in hers. "Were you even listening, Carlos?"
Carlos sighed, looking away again. "I just feel so... Empty. I don't know what's wrong."
"Go see the witch near the edge of town. She'll know." The maid said, smiling kindly at him. "Trust me. You're young and strong, Carlos. This is just what you need."
He still wasn't so sure about that.

He went into town on an errand to pick up supplies for the workers, the witch far from his mind.
However, his feet seemed to carry him there before he knew it.
The hut was half obscured by the trees, and it seemed as if it would be enveloped in the thick canopy at any moment. There was an ominous cawing from the trees, and Carlos shuddered at the thought of stepping any closer.
He took a deep breath, holding it a bit before stepping forward. Errand be damned; he was getting answers.

A tiny bell chimed as he opened the door, and he waved a hand in front of his face to clear away the thick trail of smoke rising from a braizer nearby. "Hello?"
"Tick tock, tick tock! Looks like someone forgot to knock!" A cheery voice called out. A young girl stepped out, her long brown hair tied up in to thick ponytails at each side of her head. She wore a Cloak that shifted from a light green to a vibrant blue in the candlelight. "You... Must be Carlos!"
"Wh-what? How did you know that already?! No one said you were a fortune teller." Carlos said, eyes widening.
The girl laughed, a hand covering her mouth as she did so. She moved to sit on a cushioned chair, folding her hands on the table in front of her. "No. I just check my mail regularly. Aaaand- I did get a letter from a palace maid telling me of your plight!"
"You can read?" Carlos asked, raising a skeptical eyebrow. Not even he could read, so he didn't see why this... Child could.
"Of course! How else am I supposed to practice magic? Books are where magic is found, you know." She said matter of factly. Then, she frowned and gestured for him to sit. "Now, let's talk money. I know you don't have a lot, but I'm willing to help you out. This sounds pretty serious, and it'd be kinda wicked of me to leave you to your own devices."
Carlos sat, still a bit unsure. He blinked as she put her hands on either side of his face, squishing his cheeks. "Um, sho whut-"
"Now! I'll look deep into your third eye, making contact with the issue within! Geeet reeeadyyy!" She exclaimed. She closed her eyes tightly, muttering something before-

Carlos blacked out as her forehead crashed into his. When he came to, he groaned and rubbed his forehead. "Well, you made contact with something..."
"Indeed!" The witch said. She was sitting in her chair, sipping tea. "You, my friend, are not your own man. You are a Fey mind slave, I'm sure of it!"
Carlos frowned, face expressionless. "... What."
"Well, think about it. Have you told any exceptionally beautiful women your name recently?" The witch asked.
"Um. No, I haven't." Carlos said surely. He couldn't help but think of his Cloud Prince, his stomach churning.
"No? Hm." The witch hummed, looking Carlos up and down. "Beautiful... Men, then?"
Carlos looked away crossing his arms. "It's already bad enough that I've come to see you. Are you trying to get me executed?"
"Oh, no no no! Not at all!" The witch said quickly, her eyes widening. She grinned broadly. "But your reaction did reveal to me your answer! Really, I'm surprised that he hasn't swept you up already! Tell me about him! What does he look like? What does he sound like? Is he-"
"St-stop asking questions! I'm... I'm gonna leave now. Don't um... Don't tell anyone else about this." Carlos said quickly. The witch nodded, although he hardly caught the motion as he tossed her some coins and ran out the door.

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