Chapter Six: The Start

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"I am nothing like my old man," shoto said glaring at him. "He attacked your people for no reason. Along with the fact that he took (y/n)'s parents from their home so that they could work for him!" he finished. You looked at the dual haired prince and opened your mouth "is that really what you think that king is your father and like it or not he did attack katsuki's people for a reason well from what I heard they were taking our crops. And another thing shoto my family and I were on the streets and he made a deal with us that as long as he worked for him then we get to live with him in the castle so. My prince do not say anything without getting the facts!" you exclaimed correcting him you loved your king he was so good to you and your small family of three.

Bakugou smirked knowing that he had won this battle but then as soon as he heard the reason why you thought that they had went to war he looked at you like you lived under a rock. "That is not the reason why we went to war." he growled crossing his arms "what well that was what the king and my parents told me." you said your eyes widening "they took the dragon queen and princess from us. And spelled out beloved queen to hate us. Our king was furious that his queen and his daughter were taken from us." he told you. Anger growing with every word.

Shoto uncrossed his arms and went outside you were probably going to connect the dots pretty soon and he would be the one person that you would not want to see right now.

You sat down by the fire intrigued by the story like your mother used to do when you were young when she would try to get you to fall asleep. "Well then why didn't the war start right then and there?" you asked katsuki looked at you through the fire it made him seen even more angry. "Because for years he thought that the two of them were trying to sign a peace treaty so that the two kingdoms would become one." he explained "everytime he would get a letter from his "queen" saying that everything is fine and that they are making changes to it so that it can work out for everyone and hit a roadblock in the council." he looked at you dead in the eyes so that you knew that he would tell you the truth. "Years later he got tired of waiting and came to academia for himself to solve this once and for all. That was when he found his beloved queen and his daughter not remembering anything only knowing that he was the enemy. He went to the endeavor outraged at what he had seen and heard for himself. He found out that they had been spelled so that they didn't remember and that his daughter, the princess of dragons would marry his dear prince shoto so that his kingdom would have power and spread his rule through all of the world." he told you. Practically yelling by the time that he was done

You only looked at him shocked "and the queen and the princess" you asked wanting answers maybe you knew the queen and the princess. "The queen married some general and the princess making clothes for royalty not even knowing who she is." he stated and handed you a bowl of soup in the process. You took it and immediately dropped it the contents splashing onto the floor. "HEY DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO GET INGREDIENTS!" katsuki yelled at you.

You gulped and connected the dots not hearing katsuki yelling at you. Your mother was married to the general. You made clothes for only one certain prince. The love of flying it all made sense now. Everything and why you couldn't even remember living on the streets with your mother and so called father. Why the king was so nice to you and why shoto always looked like he was hiding something. You were the dragon princess and your mother was the queen. But now your father, your true father is dead on the battlefield along with so many other of your subjects. Your whole life had been a lie.

The dream you had last night came to mind with katsuki in it and him telling you that your life had been a lie and that you needed to run. Why shoto had been so kind to you as soon as you had started talking to him. It explained so much about him including why he wanted to bring you on his horse ride. Shoto probably knew everything and that was why he had left the cave. Why he didn't like katsuki and now all you felt was burning rage for that kingdom and the king that used to be like a second father to you. You wanted to burn that place to the ground. With katsuki right by your side.

You looked at katsuki the same rage that was in his eyes were in your eyes and all you could do is just feel a burning hate. That was it just hate. You didn't want to talk to shoto anymore. Not with what he had kept from in the years that you had been making clothes for him. You hated him right now.

Katsuki was staring at you forgetting about the soup. He had figured out why everything seemed to be a shock as well and why you had a look on your face that could kill someone. He saw the hate in your eyes and figured out why. "Are you?" he asked but you interrupted him, "I'm going to kill the king and burn that place to the ground!" you yelled

Shoto winced when he listened to the story then hearing you be angry yourself at him. He had never once seen you angry. He didn't ever want to see you angry but right now it seemed like he had no choice. He was planning to tell you everything on this trip but he deep down inside knew that katsuki would tell you the second he had the chance. He began to feel that sadness that he felt when his mother was banished from his own home and forced to live in an insane asylum. He had finally found the courage to talk to you and become your friend. Maybe someday even more but as of now that seemed impossible. The love that he had hoped that you held for him he knew that it was gone. He knew that you would never want to see his unbearable face again. That word unbearable oh how it weighed on him like a pile of bricks.

Shoto looked at his hand he didn't deserve to be prince to the born under the rule of a twisted king who tricked his own people into loving him. Who banished his own queen shotos mother. He had always seen into his monster of a father's tricks. He never loved that king that called himself a father. The seemingly emotionless prince started crying. He missed his mother, all he ever wanted was a friend, the friend that he fell in love with, and now that his secret was uncovered you hated him with a burning passion, He took you away so that you didn't have to deal with this mess. So that you wouldn't be forced to become his queen. He was stupid to think that he could ever sweep you off of your feet and make you happy.

Tears ran down the princes face and onto the rocky floor as you came out of the cave to confront him. You stopped as soon as you saw his face that held resentment, pain, sadness, and maybe even love. The anger inside of you dissipated, truthfully you didn't think that this was his fault under any circumstances all you really wondered was why he had kept this from you.

You walked up to him and put your hand on his shoulder gently. He tensed up at your touch thinking that you were going to hurt him. So when you walked around to face him with a calm look on your face he looked confused. You put your hand on his face the side of his face that held the scar that he felt that he couldn't escape. You wiped his tears your face soft and you gently put on a smile. He leaned into your touch putting his hand on yours.

"Why aren't you angry at me?" he stifled out "How could I be angry at you if you didn't do anything to me?" you asked he just looked at you "I knew about it all (y/n) and I didn't even try to stop it." he said. You could only shake your head "that is my question but I now understand why, why you took me on this adventure, and why you always look like your hiding something." you told him your voice was still soft. You were talking to him like he was a scared child in his mother's arms. However this child didn't have a mother all he had was a cruel father and a friend. A friend that loved him dearly and more then he knew of.

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