𝒊𝒊𝒊. 𝒇𝒖𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒈𝒊

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— Chapter 3 —

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— Chapter 3

"Han Yejun! Someone is here to talk to you," a voice exclaimed and Yejun turned to look at Marie.

However, Marie wasn't alone and beside her was a girl whom I recognize to be Marie's friend from her homeroom, Mika Takahashi. The girl with her natural, straight black hair had her face on her shoes and her fringe covered her whole face. "Come on, why are you shy now?"

Yejun raised his eyebrow as he probably didn't expect for Mika to show up with Marie like this. "What's up?" he asked in Japanese and Mika looked up with her eyes wide.

I just noticed that Mika had a pink notebook on her hand and she opened it, landing on a certain page. "I'm practicing Korean, and I'm wondering if you can help and check this for me," she said as she started to blush when Yejun started walking towards her direction and took her notebook.

Kai and I were just on our seats next to each other, watching the action unfold. It was pretty obvious that Mika has a thing for Yejun, and Marie is somehow helping her to get closer to him.

"This is interesting," Kai commented as he chuckled and I let out a smirk, watching Yejun act cool in front of a girl. Marie came to us and sat on Yejun's desk. "Didn't know Marie can be cupid."

Marie just looked at us with a playful smile. "This is fun."

Yejun took her notebook and scanned the page before giving it back to her with a small smile. He went to our direction with a pressed smile and took a pen from his desk. Mika still looked red as an apple as Yejun took her notebook and started scribbling on it before giving it back to her for the last time, commenting on several things about her Korean.

"Thank you so much!" the girl exclaimed and looked at Marie, motioning her to come and go to their classroom together. Marie got up from the chair, gave the three of us a two-finger salute as well as patted Yejun's back before going back to her class.

"What the hell was that?" muttered Yejun as he sat down on his chair, looking at Kai and I. "Stop with those teasing faces, guys."

"Yejun has finally grown up!" I dramatically exclaimed and Kai joined in, his finger going from his eye to his cheek in expression that he was crying. "Someone actually does not dislike him!"

Yejun laughed sarcastically. "I thought everyone likes me. Now I'm hurt."

"I'm everyone. I like you," Tyler's voice came into our conversation as he playfully had his arm around Yejun's neck. Tyler looked at me with a small smile while Yejun was giving me a smirk, which caused me to kick his shin lightly.

Yejun looked up to Tyler who untangled his arm from Yejun's neck. "Wow, very smooth. I'm sorry to your fans if they find out about us," Yejun said with a pout at the end.

Tyler laughed as he rolled his eyes playfully. "Yes, my non-existent fans will have to suffer from this."

Yejun's eyes adverted to me for a quick second and I had a feeling that I knew what he was about to say. "What do you mean non-existent? I think--"

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2020 ⏰

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