||3.5 || Suddenly Syrup🥞🍯

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A/N: There's a lot about Angelica's and Thomas relationship in this chapter. So this is a little half chapter that happens to be very important for the plot with Angelica. I wanted to split it up because I want to name this chapter Suddenly Syrup and the next chapter Malls and Disasters.

Nest chapter is a HUGE turning point for John and Peggy! And we'll meet some new characters in the next few chapters Including the next one!

7am Saturday

Eliza's POV

Last night was crazy fun! Everyone fell asleep except Me, Alex, Angie, Laff, Heather Mac, and Thomas.

"Awww look at Peggy and John." I told Angelica

Peggy and John were cuddling on the couch sleeping with Peggy's yellow blanket covering them.

"How about we prank them!" Thomas called out.

"Yea!" We all cheered.

We grabbed the whipped cream and put it all over their faces. Surprisingly none of them woke up.

"What should I do for John and Peggy?" Thomas asked when it came time to put whipped cream on their faces.

"Draw a big heart of each of their faces." Angie suggested


Thomas began to draw the hearts. When he was done Angelica put a note right on top of the yellow blanket.

"Good job Tommy." Angie whispered to Thomas as they high fived.

I should probably keep an eye out for some signs of a crush. Thomas would almost never let someone call him Tommy and Angie normally wouldn't call him Tommy.
Unless their just best friends...


They're gonna become what I like to call an "unofficial thing" soon. Just wait for it.

Aw shoot. Burr really is rubbing off on me.

"Come on Angie! You know, I think you and Thomas are gonna become the next lovebirds around here." I teased.

"Be quiet!" Angie said as her face turned bright red. Thomas' face was also bright red.

Angelica's POV

I couldn't stop blushing. I mean me and Tommy? Really? I've never really thought about it until now. I've been so focused on Alexander that I've been so blind. Tommy hasn't gotten in a fight since last school year. He hasn't bullied anyone since at least February and him and Alex are actually getting along! He's slowly turning into a better person. Have I been rubbing off on him or is it something else? Now that I think about it I could imagine it all. Tommy asking me to the 8th grade prom and then... high school. The 4 years of your life that crush your dreams. Well, hopefully not mine. Then one September night freshman year, we'll go dancing under the starts on the rooftop of the Empire State Building. I couldn't stop thinking about it. Just me, Tommy and the stars-




I have a crush on Thomas Jefferson.

Not just a little itty crush.

A big crush.

"I have a big crush on Thomas Jefferson." I mumbled to myself, shocked about what I just discovered about myself.

That explains everything.

The butterflies. The blushing. The deep connection.

It was as if he were my Seymour, but that's crazy...

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