The Party Where He Confessed

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* once Natsu and Lucy got back to their hide out Lucy started to place all her things across the other side of the room to Natsu's and she puts up a black curtain wall so Natsu can't see her all the time while Natsu took the cart back to the junkyard *

Lucy: *finishing the setting up her living area * all done now I just need to get ready for the party * she sits down on her bed * I'm such a fuel I have been so harsh with Natsu I always talked back to him and he must not one to be with me but I really like him he is not like other guys I was hoping if I acted strong he would fall in love with me but I just made things worse between us I should have been more nice to him now it's to late

Natsu: * heard everything and he goes out to think about things * so all she wanted was for me to like her I was not against the idea of being with her but her attitude was so of so all she was doing was trying to make me like her * punches a wall and his fist starts to bleed * what do I do now she thinks I don't like or have any interest in her but I do

Lucy: *lay's down on her bed and start to think what she can do to make Natsu like her *

* after some time while natsu was walking around he walked into another territory and found him self in the territory of Erza *

Erza: * wearing a short pants and a red shirt with a metal pipe on her back and her hair was down one of her eyes were covered by her long red hair * Natsu what brings you to my territory

Natsu: I'm sorry to bother you I was just walking around and ended up here

Erza: is something bothering you because you are not the type to have his nose on the ground

Natsu: there is some problems but I will not bother you with it anyway how are things with you and jellal

Erza: we are doing great but if you walk into my territory you need to follow my rules and in my territory everyone must be honest here

Natsu: okay fine there is a girl that has sparked my interest she is an amazing fighter she can fight with an amazing style and she has a strong personality and she is smart as well but I was acting really cold with her because I was scared to be in a relationship and I didn't want her to lose her freedom by being in a relationship with me but I was wrong she really likes me as well and now I feel like I don't have a chance to be with her because I feel like I have fallen for her 

Erza: *hit's his head with the metal pipe * if you like her and she likes you back why don't you just tell her that and tell her that you are sorry that you have acted that way with her and apologize

Natsu: * holds his head * but I still have my pride

Erza: pride my ass you are just scared to be in a relationship with someone you are afraid that you can be happy with someone I know that you have been hurt before and you don't trust anyone easily but she sounds like a good person that could make you happy

Natsu: * takes a deep breath * okay fine your right I'm scared because I never knew a girl that I could trust and didn't want anything from me she is not after money or my body she just wants someone she can relate to and I'm scared that I'm not good enough for her

Erza: * pat's his head * everything is going to be fine just be honest with your heart and tell her how you feel and be there for her now get going I have to get ready for the party Mira is going all out tonight and I will be drinking till morning

Natsu: thanks I will be and if you will be drinking stay as far away from me as far as you can

Erza: oh come on it wasn't that bad

Natsu: you tired me and poured hot wax on my back while hitting my head with your fist so don't tell me it wasn't that bad

Erza: *nerves laugh * okay fine I will stay away from you but get going or I will kick you out

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