The City Of Romance Awaits

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* once they get into the city they go to the bank to get the money and natsu puts half of the money on his card and puts the other half on Lucy's new bank account that he opened for her *

Natsu: thank you so much for doing this for us so fast we really appreciate it

Lucy: Yes thank you so much for doing this for us

Julia: it was my pleasure if you have any questions or problems please contact us and we will do everything we can

Natsu: thank you we will

Lucy: yep

Nalu: *walks out of the bank and they go to the other side of the towns square where the clothes shop is located *

Lucy: * holds her card proudly* now I can go crazy with shopping before our trip

Natsu: yeah you can do whatever you want with that card and if you need more money I can just transfer it from my account to yours

Lucy: I appreciate it natsu but I can do that with my old account that my mom made for me so that my drunk father can't excess it

Natsu: oh right well still if you need anything just let me know

Lucy: that's sweet of you babe but I got this now it's time to go crazy
🌟.🌟 I will shop until I drop

Natsu: 😅 great

Lucy: *run's ahead into the shop and start to look around *

Natsu: hehe

* while natsu was giggling about how cute Lucy is three guys step in front of him*

?: hey pall we just saw you coming from the bank could you spare us some money
??: we are not asking for much just for something to eat
???: yeah and for something to drink

Natsu: *looks at them with disgust* ( turn pants stained shirt and howdy bloody sleeve this guy's must have crawled out from a ditch) look I don't have time for you guys

?: come on just spare us some money and we will leave you alone

Natsu: *sighs* look I'm really not in the mood for this get lost before I throw you back where you crawled out of

?: 💢 get him boy's

??: *take's out his knife and attacks natsu while trying to stab his face *

???: : *takes out his knife and tries to stab natsu in his leg*

Natsu: *kicks the knife that was coming towards his leg into the other guys arm while twisting out the knife from his hand that was coming toward his face and thrown it in to other guys leg*

?: what the hell just happened

??: aaaahhhh

???: aaaahhhh my fucking leg

??: your leg what about my arm you idiot

?: idiots * take's out two knifes from his pocket that are also metal knuckles and attacks natsu*

Natsu: *doesn't move his legs he only moves his upper body out of the way of the attack *

?: shit stop moving you jerk * he keeps attacking him*

Natsu: * grabs both of his wrists and dislocated them and he drops his knifes and he picked them up while he fallen back * 😈 now you will know never to mess with me * he stabs both knifes into his shoulders * now run or I will do something worse than this to you * he's eyes are covered with a shadow and as the light shine on his eyes they are burning with a red light*

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