Paris The city of love

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Nalu: * head out with their bag's and they pack it in the trunk of the taxi *

Lucy: ( this is my first time traveling to a whole new country I'm so excited)

Natsu: * sits in the car * alright everything is packed up and ready to go

Eric: alright then * starts the car and starts to drive to the airport *

Lucy: hey Natsu I never asked but do you know French or any of the other languages of the countries we are going to visit

Natsu: yeah I actually do I have had to learn because of my racing job I had to face all kinds of challengers and before they arrived I had to learn their language so that I could talk to them after the race or before it was really troublesome to do but it does come in handy

Lucy: so how many languages can you speak fluidly

Natsu: huh maybe 10 or some but I can pick up on new ones really fast as well

Lucy: I see well because of my sheltered up bringing I had to learn a few languages as well so that if my loser father would be out of options to marry of to some rich asshole and gain their money

Natsu: oh I see but you don't need to worry about stuff like that since I will not let anyone take you away from me

Lucy: * puts her head down on his shoulder * I know and it's not like I would even let them take me

Natsu: true if you wanted you can kick all their buts while I watch

Lucy: UwU you know it no one can tie this girl down

Natsu: true hehehe

Lucy: but that doesn't mean that I can't choose to be tied down to someone * kisses his cheek * because I want to be with you forever Natsu

Natsu:  I know babe I want to be with you forever as well

* after a little while they arrive at the airport and they go through the check points and get on the plane and find their seats on first class *

Lucy: I never traveled by plain before but to be flying on first class of all things

Natsu: just the best for my girl

Lucy: ( I really don't understand why he lives in the run down part of the city when he has so much money) 

Natsu: I'm  sure that you are wondering why I life in the run down part of the city when I have so much money am I right Lucy

Lucy: 0.0 can you read minds or something

Natsu: no I just assume that is what you are thinking

Lucy: 😅 you got me I was thinking that

Natsu: to answer the question in your mind to put it simply money doesn't make people happy right

Lucy: * thinks back to her life before she left the empty dresses and the sevenths and the empty rooms *

Natsu: and if I wasn't in the run down part of the city but in some big houses I would never have met you and fallen in love with the most beautiful and strong girl in the world that is you are Lucy

Lucy: * cuddles up with him as much as she can while sitting next to him * I guess you are right about that if you were not there that day I choose to run away I would have never met you and fallen in love with you

Natsu: and if I wasn't there that day I wouldn't have found my true happiness

Lucy: just stop talking please or you will make me blush

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