Ch. 13

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weeks had passed since the game night that the group of friends had had together, but neither of the teenagers feelings had faded. they were practically inseparable, having formed a bond that not many could boast about having. everyone knew that the two had a spark, but the said nothing, instead letting the two figure it out as they went.

after going through the battle trial together, the two teenagers grew closer, hanae having adapted a nickname for denki that made him blush every time he heard her say it. they ended up on different teams, with hanae "accidentally" using her liquid manipulation quirk to boost "sparky's" quirk and give his team the win. the others were mad for a while, but couldn't stay mad at the two goofballs for long.

it was the USJ accident, however, that solidified how much they cared for each other. hanae ended up in recovery girls office for a week after she had an unfortunate run in with who was now known as shigaraki. his hand had come into contact with hanaes leg when she went to defend all might, resulting in it slowly starting to disintegrate. denki was the one who carried her all the way to the ambulances waiting outside while she cried out in pain. after that accident, they promised each other to always have the others back, no matter the situation or consequences.

now, the gang was starting to practice heavily for the sports festival. this very minute, they were having individual battles in hanaes backyard. bakugo and kirishima has their battle going on the longest, while mina and sero battled and hanae and denki battled. hanae was using her quirk to pick up any liquid she could find, occasionally even stealing bakugo's sweat to use its explosive qualities. denki was good too, never once forgetting that if he were to strike at the perfect time, he could amplify the electrocution on hanae. she let out a deep breath as she manipulated the ball of liquid and started to move it towards denki, but slowly. he furrowed his eyebrows and started charging up, sparks flying from his fingers. the second she saw that charge be sent in her direction, she dropped the water on him. this caused a huge crackle and plently of smoke. after it cleared, denki was seen short circuiting, his goofy face signaling the end of a match.

"woah hanae, you killed it! you really know how to use your quirk," kirishima stayed. hanae gave him a big grin as she reached out and grabbed the blonde that was in no state to do anything on his own. they all went inside and sat in the living room, the house being empty like it usually was recently. hanae stayed in the kitchen getting everyone some water so they wouldn't pass out on her with how hard they trained.

"so guys, what's the plan for today?" everyone murmured tiredly and just shook their heads, not knowing what to do with the rest of their day. it was already pretty dark, so there weren't many places open for them to train in.

"i say," hanae said as she handed everyone a glass of water, "that we all go home, shower, and then eat together some place. that way we can talk about if any parks or karaoke places are open for us to go to after dinner." everyone nodded at the idea, denki even nodding now that he was no longer in his dumbed out state. surely enough, everyone left in order to get ready for whatever plans they had ready.

hanae ran upstairs and took a quick shower, shaving and scrubbing her body so she would be as clean as possible. she couldn't stand being dirty, it made her entirely too uncomfortable. after that, she applied some makeup, but nothing too extra. as for clothes, she went for a comfortable outfit. some acid washed skinny jeans, a white hoodie, and white sneakers. finally, she grabbed her phone and walked out the door, the group chat having agreed to meet at a small coffee shop close to minas house.

as she walked in, she took a seat next to denki at the booth, smiling at the group. they all ordered their coffees and pastries, settling into a nice conversation about nearby places that they could go to have some fun. denki's eyes lit up at the mention of arcades and he quickly interjected in the conversation.

"i know a super cool arcade that's not too far from here! we could totally go and spend some time there after we finish here," denki exclaimed animatedly to the group. hanae's heart jumped, but she was used to it now. instead she laughed and agreed along with the group, picking at her chocolate muffin that had just arrived.

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