Ch. 18

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as much as hanae wanted to savor the kiss, the sudden realization of what she just did hit her like a ton of bricks, and she hesitantly but surely pulled away, quickly covering her mouth with her hands as she processed the fact that she just kissed her best friend and long time crush. Denki, on the other hand, looked down at his food with a fiery blush on his face. the two stayed silent for a while, glancing at each other periodically.

"so uh-"

"wait wait wait," denki cut in, stopping hanae before she said anything. "i... uh... shit. what i wanna say is that, well, that kiss was absolutely amazing, and it wasn't my first but it sure felt like it, and i really hope you liked it to, and i think you did since you're the one who initiated it, but that's up to you nonetheless, and i was wondering if this means we're dating now? well we kissed but kissing doesn't always mean-" hanae giggled, which made the blonde stop his rant and look at her with a shy smile. she looked stunning in that moment, with a spark in her eyes and a light pink tint on her cheeks.

"kami, i loved the kiss. there's genuinely nothing in the world that could compare to it. and yes, if you agree, this does mean we're dating you nerd." she gave him a goofy and giddy grin, playing with her crepe with her fork. he gave her an excited grin and leaned in, giving her another small peck on the lips, still feeling the fireworks even if the kiss lasted less than a second. the two giggled nervously and happily.

denki finally started eating his food along with hanae, the two not being able to contain their smiles and small giggles throughout the meal. they both felt too thrilled, not being able to help feeling like this. the meal was practically over when denki perked up, then murmured something out of his breath. hanae raised an eyebrow and pointed at him with her fork.

"what'd ya just say?" denki flushed a bright shade of red, and shook his head, biting his lip to contain his goofy smile. hanae just continued to give him a pointed look until he caved in and decided to tell her.

"fine fine," he yelped, covering his face with his hands. "i said 'i wish i were cross eyed so i could see you twice," he mumbled just loud enough for hanae to hear. she seemed speechless for a while before she burst into bubbly laughter and smacked denki's arm. he laughed a little bit at how funny she found that, and yet again found himself admiring everything about her.

he couldn't help but ask himself how he got so lucky to have someone like her by her side. someone who really saw him, who liked him for who he was and not for who everyone else thought he was. someone who loved his jokes and knew when he was sad. someone who would do anything in her power to make others happy, even if it meant sacrificing her own happiness. someone who looked stunning even when she didn't try. someone who was so effortlessly kind, funny, and beautiful. he wondered how he got lucky with a true hero.

hanae cleared her throat, biting her lip awkwardly as she stared at her now boyfriend. he had been staring at her for a while now, and while hanae definitely didn't mind, she knew something was running through his mind. that was something that not many others bothered to notice about denki. he is genuinely so smart, he can't help but think too much. he always has something running through his mind, and more often than not it's something serious.

"hey denki, wanna come over to my place and watch a movie?" her words pulled the blonde out of his trance and he gave her a goofy grin.

"i would love that. buttttt," he drew on before pointing his finger at himself. "i get to pick the movie." hanae chuckled and shook her head at the clearly excited boy. this was technically their first date, so he really wanted to do something cute.

"fine you dork. are we splitting the bill?" denki blushed a bright pink and shook his head quickly, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. hanae raised an eyebrow and denki looked at her with bashful eyes.

"i may or may not have paid before hand," he mumbled, making hanae's heart melt at the sweet gesture. she should've seen it coming, especially from denki, but at this point in their relationship, nothing he did ceased to amaze her. so instead of saying anything, she just happily took his hand and started walking, appreciating both the warmth of his skin on hers and the beautiful day. the two made their way to hanae's house in comfortable silence, denki occasionally looking down at hanae almost as if to confirm that all of this was actually happening. they eventually made it to her house, and hanae showed denki where they kept all of their movies as hanae got blankets and snacks.

"hey babe," denki yelled, loving the way those words rolled off of his tongue. "i found the movie!" hanae blushed at his words and rushed back to the living room, her hands full with fuzzy blankets and potato chips. she sat on the couch as denki put in the movie, wrapping herself in the blanket and already munching. denki eventually sat next to her, his arm wrapping around her waist and pulling her closer as if on instinct. the two snuggled comfortably until hanae realized that denki decided they would watch sinister, the only horror movie that genuinely made her jump other than lights out. despite trying to hide her fear, she still wound up jumpy, snuggling deeper into denkis arms every time a scary scene would pop up.

near the middle of the movie, denki decided that as great as it was to have hanae snuggled up against him, both of them were too freaked out to really enjoy it. so he got up and changed the movie to something a little more his pace: monty python. the two got comfortable again, and eventually hanae's parents came home to find their daughter snuggled up in the electric blondes arms while the goofy movie played in the background.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2020 ⏰

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