HUGE crush

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It all started when i had a HUGE crush on a very popular guy in high-school named Damon Wilson even though he was a year older than me. He was so nice, and so gentle, and also VERY handsome. All the girls in school liked him. I actually only had one class with him, at least. I only had him in my science class. What's worse is that i can't just drift off into space or stare at his beautiful face, i had to pay attention in class so i wouldn't get caught by the teacher and get called out by her. All these feelings were too much for me, I've never had such a big crush on any one in my 17 years of living, i had to tell somebody.... but not Damon, i don't know how he would react, so i figured i could just tell my best friend, Amelia Roberts.It was even more perfect since i had her in my next class which was math. An even worse class to drift off or talk in. Soon my class ended and it was my cue to go to math! First time i was actually excited for that class. I still hated the fact that i had math after science. Still kinda liked that class since it was the only one that i had my best friend in.

I told her about my feelings for Damon and she had a very weird reaction, like she didn't say anything to me. I told her that i liked Damon Wilson and she looked shocked then that was replaced with an annoyed/pissed look on her face, then after that she smiled and patted me on the back. It was very awkward not gonna lie. We didn't talk for the rest of the class,which was even more weird, so i decided to ask her what was wrong after class in the hall way. Apparently it was nothing and that she just wanted to pay attention in class. I mean i can't say anything since she didn't sit next me any way, but she would always turn around to either share tea, talk or ask a question. She apologized and says that she didn't think that i was gonna feel this way when she didn't talk to me in class.

"I'll treat you to dinner", Amelia said.

"Apology accepted", i said.

I mean i can't say no to food. I love food, almost as much as i love Damon. Any way i only had one more class to go to then i could go home and not need to go to school until Monday, uhhh i hate Mondays. Now that i think about it Monday is that one day of the week that everyone hates, kinda sad.

I got to my last class,drama,i love this class, it is my favorite i get to learn what i want to do later on in my life. I don't think i mentioned this but i so badly wanted to be an actress and become famous. I don't know, i just love the idea of acting in front of a camera and being seen on TV. Class started and the first thing we did was warm up. We did warm ups
where we, listen to what word the teacher says either jump or clap, if she says clap we jump and if she says jump we clap. Then after we did the jump and clap for a good amount of time we would add more to the list, like king and mouse, loving someone or looking like you want someone dead. It was very fun, it's kinda like Simon says, it reminds me of my childhood.

After we finished warming up, we started reading a play that the class was gonna perform. This was actually my smallest class so it was easier to find a play we can all have a role in if we wanted to, we did "Cinderella". We all got our own script and started picking characters. We then had the whole class except for one person and the teacher, Mrs.Love, and that person would audition.And the rest of the class would be outside.

I of course auditioned for Cinderella. After like 2 or 3 people, it was my turn to audition. My audition actually went better than i expected, Mrs. Love looked impressed. I think i might have a shot at this. The whole class comes back in the room and Mrs. Love announces who gets who. The first role announced was one of Prince Charming's guards then we worked our way all the way to Prince Charming who.... i think his name was Michael?? I'm not sure, i was just getting really excited since i wasn't called, like everyone got their name called. Then the teacher announced who got Cinderella, was me!Not gonna lie i might have screamed a little.

After class i saw some girls giving me dirty looks. I recognized the girls, they were Brianna Smith, Layla Washington,and Courtney Miller. Layla was like the queen bee in the group. She came walking towards me while her friends Courtney and Brianna came following behind her making them look like a triangle from above.

"So.... you got Cinderella right?", Layla said.

"Yeah, what about it?", i said.

I overheard Courtney say "that's gonna be fun since you are the step mom, heh ". Then all three of them started laughing. Then i heard Brianna say," yea it will be fun to boss her around". Which reminded me of the people who got the step mom and sisters, Courtney got one of the step sisters, Brianna got the other step sister, and...Layla got the step mom.

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