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Note: this dress above👆 is the dress I'm talking about later in the story. F.Y.I, I found this dress on Pinterest. Anyway, enjoy it!

I finally got to school and as soon as I got inside the three girls I hate the most came running up to me, more like speed walking, and the "Queen Bee" (Layla) looked really mad. I stepped back thinking she was probably gonna slap me. And I was correct she was planning on slapping me only until she saw that Damon was coming. "Oh, Hey Damon, didn't see you there," Layla said. Damon looks pissed and so done with Layla. I think he knows that she came over to me just to slap me. He then grabbed me and started pulling me away from them. "I need to talk with you alone," he says.

"Ok," I say. He then takes me to a hallway where there is no one. And says, "Did you know what she was about to do?"

"She was about to slap me," I said.

"I heard from one of my friends that there is this guy who has a huge crush on you.....and his name is Ben. And he is very......let's say crazy," Damon says. I get a little scared because if he says that the guy who likes me is crazy, I also don't know how crazy he is and what he would do if he finds out I have a boyfriend. "Then you'll have to be careful, Damon," I say. I then try to change the topic and say, "Hey....when will I be meeting your parents?"

"They aren't here right now, they are on a business trip, the longest they have ever had too," he says.

"Oh....well how long is it?" I say.

"About a couple years, I mean they say they are on a business trip, I don't know if they are lying cause I've never had them leave for that long on a business," he says.

"I feel bad for you," I say.

"No it's fine, I'm used to it," he says.

I feel really bad, I need to change the topic, AGAIN. "Ummm, now that I think about it, shouldn't we be going to class," I say.

"Oh yea, I totally forgot about that," Damon says. He then kisses my forehead and we start walking to our classes. I see girls giving me dirty looks and looking pissed at me for holding Damon's hand, but I don't care. He is my boyfriend and mine only.


4 years later


I'm in college now, Damon and I don't go to the same college sadly .....but my bestie Amelia does, not to mine but to Damon's, so I get texts from both on how their lives are and how they are doing. I have a dorm and I share it with my besties from high school! Bailey and Milly. On top of that, the rest of the group is in the dorm next to mine, Renee and Carly. I also have two new friends, Edwin Rodriguez which I literally think of him as a brother since we are both Hispanic and Jack Thompson who is also my guy best friend. I have a pretty good life here. I also seem to notice that my boyfriend, Damon, and my best friend, Amelia, are getting along pretty well. To the point where I once FaceTimed her and she picked up almost immediately and I saw that she was hanging out with Damon.

It all was going well and I was very happy until that one day that I FaceTimed Amelia again, she picked up almost immediately again, but this time it was different, this time I wanted to cry, this time I saw Damon kissing Amelia, they both noticed that it was me 2 seconds after she picked up. Once they found out It was me calling they both had their mouths wide open like they were in that painting, "The Scream," and then tried to explain but before I could hear any words coming out of their mouth I decided to just hang up. As soon as I hung up I started to cry my eyes out, after a couple of minutes my roommates came back and saw me crying then asked what was wrong.

"My boyfriend is cheating on me with my best friend," I say

"He is a jerk, come with us we will cheer you up! I heard there is a party that is being hosted by Jack's friend," Bailey says.

"Let's go shopping first then we can go to the party, ok?" Milly says.

"Ok," I say.

We then leave our dorms and meet up with Renee and Carly outside so we can all go shopping together. We take Bailey's car and go to the mall. The first shop we go into is Aeropostale, I get myself lots of hoodies, some jean shorts, some leggings, and some joggers. We then go to Vans and  I buy myself rainbow checkered vans. We keep on shopping for about an hour and then we stop and look at some dresses for the party. I found a short dress that looks super cute. 

*Picture above with a note ☝ (At the very top of the page)*

After we picked out our dresses we left for our dorms and put them on with some matching heels. Not trying to brag but I looked amazing. I took a picture and posted it on my story, seems like Damon was looking at my story because he texted me.

"You look beautiful with that dress," Damon said.

"Thanks, you should buy it for Amelia," I said and blocked both Damon and Amelia on all my social media and basically everything I could find. He lost his girlfriend and she lost her best friend today in a matter of seconds.

So my friends and I got ready for the party then went back to Bailey's car and left to go to the party. As soon as we get there, we get greeted by this guy who has a very familiar face. Oh! It was Michael the guy I work with right now. We both are acting in the same movie, It's a funny coincidence since we both played the main characters in Cinderella which are supposed to be in love and now we are the two main actors in a new movie called, "In Love."

"Long time no see," Michael says.

I laugh and say, "Yep."

We all get in and start partying. It wasn't long until I found my friends Edwin and Jack. I asked which friend was the one hosting this party and they tell me that a guy named Jonathan Grey hosted it. I guess I know their whole friend group now, Jonathan, Edwin, Jack, and Michael. The rest of the party was awesome until I saw a familiar face pop up. It was Layla and her crew. I thought I got rid of her after we went to different colleges..but no, she is still the same just more disgusting and more bratty. She comes over to me and my friends and says, " you're not dating Damon any more, cause I heard he cheated on you with your best friend Amelia." And she grins at me.

"He lost his girlfriend and she lost her best friend," I say.

She looks disappointed by my reaction and left. Then my guy friends started to ask me if it was true, and I told them the whole story.....let's just say if Damon comes to my college he will have to go to the hospital.

The party ends I say bye to all my guy friends and my now new friend, Jonathan. "See you tomorrow," I say to Michael since we both are working tomorrow. And he says, "See you then."

I then go with my friends to our dorms, take a shower, change into my pajamas and we watch a horror movie together till it's bedtime.

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