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Hyunjin POV

When the three of us went out, we saw Chan nowhere in sight.

Seungmin decided to call him but there was no answer.

Jeongin asked Seungmin for his number but still no answer

When they tried with Hyunjin's number. Someone had answered.

I handed the phone to Seungmin.

"Chris?" Seungmin said through the phone but he said no one answered

I took my phone and placed it on speaker

"Hyung, where are you?" I asked

"Well...hello there, Hyunjin" As I heard the voice. I suddenly turned the speaker off and gave it back to Seungmin

It was Jeongin's obsessive childhood friend who also happens to be Woojung's sister, Eunjin.

Seungmin and Jeongin looked at me curiously of why I turned the speaker off.

Seungmin mouthed "What's wrong?"

I looked at Jeongin before leaning onto Seungmin's ear to whisper to him, "It's Eunjin,"

Seungmin's eyes widened and looked at me worriedly.

"What do you want?" Seungmin asked with a stern voice.

As they talked through the phone, Jeongin and I went back in the restaurant.

After minutes of waiting, we saw Seungmin walking beside a wounded and bruised Chan.

Chan's friends rushed to help them as we looked at them concerned.

"What happened?" I asked, my face frowns as Jeno sighs.

"So..." Seungmin started explaining.

*1 hour later*

Everyone bid their farewells. Seungmin said he's going to be taking Chan home since he needs to take care of him.

I had an idea Seungmin has a little something for Chan so I agreed with it.

Jeno also had to go back home since his boyfriend might be sulky since he left without telling him.

Jeongin and I followed the rest then went back home.


"New plan. Kill Jinhyun"

"Yes, sir!"


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