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They said Virgil got attacked by an aggressive dog. They said the dog must have been a mastiff or... something but it was only a dog. Virgil narrowed his eyes as he stared at his computer screen. It wasn't a fucking dog.

Virgil was watching the video he had recorded with clenched fists. Colt... The man that had his two best friends trapped, hurting them... making them suffer. Virgil saw the man turn into a wolf. A wolf... Not some fucking aggressive dog. 

Sure the video quality was choppy and you couldn't see much but Virgil still saw enough to confirm what he saw. It wasn't a fucking dog. Virgil got bit by a wolf that Colt had changed into. Obviously he did his research. 

Pack... Alpha... Mate... Wolf. Those were the words turning and churning about in his head. Dee and Ray were mates. They and Colt were in a pack. Colt was their alpha... Colt was a wolf. Virgil didn't want to believe any of this. He wanted to chalk it up to his friends' unique nature but after what he saw...

Colt turned into a wolf. Like some Twilight shit but... real. No one was ever going to make him think he was crazy. Even though the nurses and doctors all tried assuring him it was just a dog. Virgil knew better. He wasn't stupid. Colt was a werewolf. 

Virgil literally laughed as he closed his computer. Now that was a sentence he never thought he would say or think... ever. A werewolf... Straight out of the movies. Virgil wanted to scream. Every picture he saw when he looked it up was of those monsters. Big hairy monsters that turned at the full moon.

Oh, god what if that happened to him... He'd be a literal teen wolf. Virgil groaned as he raked his hands through his hair. He was bitten by a wolf... a werewolf. He wasn't dead but did that mean he was fine. He was bitten. And the look of horror on Dee's face when he saw that... He hasn't seen Dee once since he got there. His parents came every chance they got. They spoke about the boys and how they were doing. Apparently, since Dee arrived Remus hasn't tried to leave anymore. Remus has been suffering really bad headaches but even still they haven't left. Colt thankfully hasn't tried anything yet.

Not that he knew where Virgil lived but... If he was a were certain he could just smell... Virgil's eyes widened as he took in a deep breath before cringing. That's another thing he's noticed... his own senses have, uh... increased. And he thought it was bad enough as it was before all this shit. 

"Hey, dad." Virgil looked up to find Remy smiling over at him, coffee in hand and Virgil frowned. The coffee... That's what he was smelling. It wasn't bad but it was strong and Virgil didn't like it. No, it wasn't that... he just had to get used to it. 

"How are you feeling?" Virgil shrugged as his hand went to his side. He was going to have a bad scar but he didn't really care much about that. It wasn't like anyone was going to see him with his shirt off anyway. "Virg..."

"I'm ok, dad. It doesn't hurt anymore." Remy frowned as he sat down in the chair beside him. "How's Father?"

"Emile's worried, but he's been keeping himself busy. You're friend Dee's been helping around the house." Virgil smiled as Remy chuckled a bit. "Remus has been a bit more lively again despite the terrible headaches and oh... right, here." Remy pulled out a book and bag handing it over to Virgil who smiled brightly. "I thought you might want your sketchbook and things."

"Thank's dad." The two sat there talking for a while before it all slowly turned to silence. Virgil glanced over to find Remy asleep un the chair and he smiled as he pushed himself up, wincing at the pain in his side. He dropped a blanket over his dad as he dragged his iv's along with him leaving the room before anyone could stop him. He made his way to this room overlooking the garden and sighed. It was quiet so far but... it wouldn't last. Eventually, he will leave and be forced to deal with what's been happening. He'll have to face Dee and Remus over what he saw. He'll be forced to bring up the bite but... for now, he just wanted to draw.

Virgil sat himself in the farthest corner ignoring the people who looked at him weirdly as he wrapped a blanket over him. He opened his sketchbook and smiled seeing the pictures he had already done. He moved to a new page and let out a shaky breath as he let himself draw what he knew he saw. It didn't take him as long as he thought but it was still long enough for someone to notice he was gone. He heard his name being called as he was putting the finishing touches on his wolf. A black wolf with this dark look in his eyes... a snarl on the beast's lips.

"Virgil? Virg..." Virgil looked up to find Remy smiling sadly at him. "There you are."

"You fell asleep." Remy nodded as he sat down beside him. 

"I tend to do that." 

"I didn't mean to scare you." Remy looked over and his eyes darkened seeing the picture in the book.

"Is that the..." Virgil nodded making Remy frown as he took the book with narrowed eyes. "Are you sure you're ok? I... I'm sorry. You were running but..."

"I told you to get Dee no matter what." Remy sighed as Virgil smiled over at him. "I'm thankful you did. If it wasn't for Dee than... I don't know what would have happened."

"Virgil, you almost died. My son..." Virgil leaned into his father as his own exhaustion took over. "I was scared I lost you."

"I'm sorry." Remys smiled softly as he wrapped his arm around his son. "I love you, Dad."

"I love you too, Virgil."

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