Kid (String of Fate)

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Kid's POV

I had been a normal day, getting ready for the bank heist me and my gang were about to pull. I let out a dull hum of approval as my men walked past, getting in the cars. Killer soon approached me, informing me that we where ready to set off at my command. I said the go soon after and we were off. Bumping down the road, I felt something tug at my hand, I glance down and I'll be damned if there wasn't a thin red string tied around the pinky of my right hand. I quickly sat up and looked to where it was leading, looking where it was leading, ready to give the command to turn at any given moment. I feel a hand be placed on my shoulder, I glance over at the person, Killer, and give a gruff, "What?" Him  being not in the slightest bit bothered by my answer. "You good, Captain." I grin at him and nod. "Then what's up?" My grin widens any I answer, "This is now a kidnapping and a heist, my string showed up." I could practically fell the shock as the car grew quiet. "Good, but try not to mess up the heist to much, we are trying to throw Traflagar off his game." I let out a low growl but nod anyway.
We soon arrive at the bank, and guess where the string lead! I stare at the building as my men get out of the cars. I stare as they walk out, they were undeniably gorgeous, my men get ready and.... GO. They swiftly charge the building pulling my soulmate back inside as they do. I rush in after, surveying everything, making sure it goes as planed. I then catch a glance at them, they looked pissed, but sat still anyway. I grab the string, giving it a harsh tug. They perk up, looking at there finger then following, their eyes landed on me. Then they do something that shocked me, they smiled warily and waved. I glance around before stocking towards them, swatting down to their seated level, roughly grabbing their face, squeezing it slightly. They just star at me with the most incredulous look on their face. I quickly stand up pulling them up with me, they stumbled into my chest, pulling back quickly mumbling a quick 'sorry'. They let out a slight squeak as I pick them up throwing them over my shoulder. Damn cute. They quickly rap their arms around me as I hold onto their thigh, making sure they don't fall. I stalk back to where I was content with the situation at hand. "We got everything, Captain, it's time to go." I nod and quickly walk out to the car, them still on my shoulder. I set them down as I get in the car, what surprised me was that they didn't struggle when I pulled them into my lap, in fact they pulled themselves closer. Huh so this is what it like. I felt content at that moment with them in my lap as we speed closer back to base.
Hello I hope you enjoyed the first one shot. Request are open. Bye

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