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You feel each other at a distance and instinct leads you to them.

I let out another huff of air as I ran, this game of cat and mouse had been going on for about a hour now. He wouldn't give up, as much as I would love to run into his arms, I was not putting my life at risk. My soulmate just so happened to be a notorious Yonko, Shanks. So that was a big no. He seemed determined though, seeing as he had all his men in a ruckus just trying to get ahold of me. I was get to the point of exhaustion though almost ready to fall over and give up. But instead I keep running, knowing I would lose most all of them in the thicket, where my home was located, deep in the center. I enter, all then men close on my trail.

Ready to end this game I jump over the first log and make a sharp turn to the left before going under a hand-full of large low-hanging limbs. Continuing this game until I reached the big tree that held my home at the very top, it was small and well hidden with a the large limbs that the tree grew. I charge at the tree, jumping and grabbing the lowest hanging limb that was at least 7 foot of the ground, pulling myself up and continue to climb until I was well hidden in the branches. Only then did I turn to look and see would was still following me. There he stood, in all his glory, just looking at him made me want to jump down, but I held my resolve and watched.

I remain silent as he looked around trying to find me. He then looked towards the tree. Shit. He approached the tree, looking up it, before jumping up and grabbing the branch I had previously used, easily pulling himself up. Shit. I turn and being climbing again, pulling my self closer to my home. We continue to climb, after a few minutes I hear a crack, glancing down, I see he had grabbed a weak branch. There was about a 15 foot distance between us and a 15 foot distance between him and the ground. Damn it. Another crack sounded. I look below him, no one. Damn it. I swiftly climb down to him grabbing his wrist before the last crack sounded and the branch broke. I let out a grunt at the sudden weight, but hold strong pulling him up to the branch I was on before moving to a different one, so as not to add to much weight to the one I left him on.

I stare at him as he catches his breath. Before he glances over at me, a wide grin returning to his face. I return it with a nervous smile, ooh boy. He swiftly pulls me too him putting his face in my hair, his arm secured around my waist. I freeze, before returning the embrace shakily, before relaxing into him. Maybe this won't be so bad.

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