This is just a mess tbh

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Daddy: Has anyone seen Kaminari?

Spidy: nope

Mom: I have not.

Izuwu: ew grammer

Shoto: I haven't. Why do you need him?

Daddy: I don't. Aizawa sensei is looking for him. I was only trying to help.

Pika: he'll never find me

Spidy: you're stuck up the tree again aren't you

Pika: … yeah

Spidy: be there in a minute

Spidy: why does Aizawa want you anyway

Pika: I may or may not have set a goose loose in the faculty office

Blasty: what the fuck?

Izuwu: ?fuck the what

Blasty: must you

Izuwu: you must

Blasty: I hate you

Izuwu: you hate I

Blasty: I'm gonna punch you in the fucking face

Izuwu: face fucking the in you punch gonna I'm

Blasty: Half n half, control your annoying boyfriend!

Izuwu: !boyfriend annoying your control, half n Half

Shoto: lmao, nah.

Shoto: this is entertaining af

Blasty: fuck you

Izuwu: you fuck

Blasty: istg I will explode your face

Izuwu: face your explode will I istg

Blasty has gone offline

Izuwu: 🤣🤣🤣

Shoto: what even, babe?

Izuwu: idk

Izuwu: annoying him is fun

AlienQueen: I don't disagree, but one of these days he's going to actually kill you.

Izuwu: bring it

Shoto: Izu, no.

Izuwu: Izu, YES!

Izuwu: oh shit \('□')/

Pika: wtf is going on here?

Shoto: what?

Izuwu: Kirishima control your bf

Kirishima: what do you mean? What's he doing?

Ochokeho: why did I just see Bakuhoe chasing Deku down the hallway?

Shoto: well that answers that question

Pika: oh, rip

AlienQueen: I told you

Ochokeho: XD


Shoto: what happened

Ochokeho: so, Bakuhoe was chasing Deku and they got to the end of the hallway, where the window was open. So Deku manages to swing around the corner at the last second, but Bakuhoe was going to fast and fell out the window.

Shoto: XD

Kirishima: is he okay?

Ochokeho: oh, he's fine. The only thing that's injured is his dignity.

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