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Before the story begin, I wanted to remind you that this is a Fanfiction based off of the Seven Deadly Sins and HunterxHunter. Some things won't fit in with the timeline so bare with me on that. The story will always be told in Zoey's pov unless stated otherwise. If you have any questions throughout the story, let me know and I will do my best to explain! For now, enjoy the story!


I walked around the big city to find something new to do. I was mainly attempting to win a hide and seek game against my younger sibling just so he can see how hard it is to find someone. I ran at a quietly pace around the area and mainly spent time following him to see how he reacts to situations. I began to giggle as I saw him sit down on the floor thinking real hard. I was hiding my presence which was a new skill I had just learned at the age of 9. My father always said I was a fast learner and would make the troupe very proud when I'm needed. I just wish he would train me more seriously. I kept looking at me brother to see him finally getting up and begin to go in the opposite direction.

He won't find me if he goes in that direction.

I kept following when I felt a strong presence coming from that area. I quickly got down from the building I was on and ran to my younger sibling.

"Blake, don't go in that direction!" He turns around and looked at me confused.

"But I felt something and I thought it was you." I felt the presence getting closer. Whoever it was, they were strong but I don't sense a strong aura from them.

"Just go home, tell dad I'll be there in a bit." I say as I began to walk in that direction.

"Wait big sister!"

"That's an order Blake." I turned around to see him running back. I kept walking in the same direction as the presence kept getting stronger.

It almost feels like it is using a really strong nen. However, I can keep walking towards it.

I scanned the crowd until I saw an unfamiliar tall man. I hid my presence and began to follow him. He had silver hair and red armor on. Why would he need to wear armor? I kept trying to get a closer look at him but failed every time. He eventually turned into an alley as I stopped at the entrance. You can do it, your dad has taught you everything you need to know. I began to walk deeper into the alley when I realized I lost him.

"I could have sworn he went in this direction. There is no way he could have disappeared." I kept walking forward until I saw red armor on the floor. I got close but nobody was in it. Did I just imagine someone in it? I used Gyo to see an aura around the armor. "Why does the armor have aura?" I was about to grab the armor when my phone began to vibrate. I pulled it out and answered. "Hello?"

"Where are you?! Blake came home saying you were going towards a strong aura!!! You know better than to do that!!" My dad began to yell.

"Well I was going after it but I seem to have lost the trail of whatever it was."

"You are in so much trouble when you get back here! In fact, I want you to come home right now. If you are not home in..." I paused in fear feeling a very strong presence right behind me. "Are you listening to me Zoey?!"

"I'll call you back Dad." I say trying not to sound suspicious.

"Zoey what's going.." I hung up before he could finish. I immediately went right making some distance between the two of us. I saw the same guy in gray sweatpants and no shirt on. But looking at his face I noticed a scar on his neck.

The Crossover ~ HunterxHunter and Seven Deadly Sins Fanfic {OC}Where stories live. Discover now