Chapter 1

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I don't have a lot of it written it so after a few chapters, updates will happen when they can. There are a lot of parts and plans where this story will go so it's just the time for me to produce the chapters. I also wanted to mention that the story will mainly focus on hxh for a bit. Just got to get some story going!

Anyway enjoy!


"Alright Hisoka, I guess I'll see you September 1st." I said as I looked at my Hunter's License and back at him.

"I'll be there September 1st. Although I would recommend going to Heaven's Arena. You haven't been there since the start of the exam, wouldn't want to lose your spot." He said as we kept walking.

"I don't really care if I lose it, I just did it to get stronger. But if I'm around the area I'll do a match."

"Alright, until next time Zoey." We walked our separate ways as I begin to think. I have so much more to do before I can be done with my journey. All these years just to get through one step. I looked back at my license as I smiled a bit. Not too shabby for a kid. I put the license in my pocket and looked up to see Kurapika, Gon and Leorio.

"Oh hey guys, what are your plans now?"

"We are off to check up on Killua. Did you want to come?" Gon said.

"I would like to come!"

"Alright, we should probably figure out where Kukuroo Mountain is first so good thing we have computers for that." Kurapika said. I nodded as we began to walk in the direction of the lobby to wait for Gon.

"I still can't believe you got your hunters license."

"Well I tried as hard as everyone else!" I said getting defensive.

"You barely passed, the main thing you have is courage which is what I believe got you here." That's what you think Leorio.

"I guess I could use work on everything else."

"I do believe you are on the right track Zoey." Kurapika said.

"I'll train when I feel like it though." I said. I'm at least tougher than them, but why would I show my full potential now.

We eventually made it in front of a computer as Gon caught up to us. Kurapika sat down in the chair while we all gathered around him. He typed Kukuroo Mountain and was immediately able to find it.

"Kukuroo Mountain. A 3,722-meter-high mountain, in the Dentora region of the Republic of Padokea."

"The Republic of Padokea? Never heard of it? Where is it?" Leorio asked.

"I can only remember it being stable and it allow tourists. Even then it's been a while since I've been there." I spoke remembering a mission I was sent to do. Kurapika pulled up a map of its exact location.

"That's where we'll find Killua?" Gon asked.

"By airship, it will take three days to reach. When do we leave?" Kurapika began to think.

"Today! Right now!" Gon said

"Alright, I'm with Gon." Leorio mentioned

"I'm down as well!" I said giving a smile.

"Got it! I'll order the tickets then." Once Kurapika ordered the tickets we began our way to a taxi that would take us to our destination.


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