If You're Not Marissa ..... Then Who Are You?

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Diggy's POV

I sat next to Lexi's bed and watched her sleep. I looked at the IV's in her arm, which were hooked up to blood packages. She had one of those oxygen tubes in her nose to help her breath. She looked so peaceful resting in her hospital bed, I reached out to hold her hand, you could tell she was full of life because it wasn't as limp, her body temperature returned to normal too. I looked at her tanned face and smiled, I love this girl to death! Lexi's eyes then fluttered open and when she saw me she smiled widely. "I'm glad you're awake" "It's good to be awake" she replied. "Diggy?" "Yes?" "What happened to Marissa after she uhm. . . you know. . .shot me?" "She killed herself. . ." I replied. Lexi sat there wide eyed, like she couldn't believe what she just heard. But as I looked at Lexi, seeing her hooked up to all this brought tears to my eyes, "Aww Diggy don't cry I'm fine alright?" "Ok".

I then wiped my eyes, the door opened and the doctor came in. He stood in front of Lexi's bed and checked her chart. "Well seems like you're doing better than you were last ngiht, we've gotten your blood level back to normal and after that bullet to the stomach, I'm surprised the two of you are still safe". When he said to I tensed up and looked at Lexi and then at the doctor. "The two of them?" "Surprise" Lexi said."Yes Mrs.Simmons is 3 weeks pregnant" "And when were you going to tell me this Lexi?" I said while looking towards her. "I-I was gonna tell you at dinner but then this situation happened" she said softly."You're lucky that the baby survied, a couple more inches closer to Lexi's uterus the baby would have been dead" the doctor said. Lexi looked at me with an innocent face and smiled, I reached over the bed and gave her a hug, "We're having a baby" I whispered. I then pulled away from the hug and smiled at Lexi, "Ok when we get the results of the test for the baby you can go, so Lexi you can get changed, I;m sure Diggy brought you a change of clothes" the doctor said. I smiled and then looked at Lexi.. 

 Lexi looked at me with her dazzling cocoa eyes, which had a sparkle in them, and she smiled. She reached over the bed and hugged me, I heard her exhale deeply. We pulled away again and smiled.

Lexi's POV

It was five minutes until a nurse came in with my chart, "Ok looks like your baby is fine, so lets get you out of this" she said. Then she took the IV out of my arm and unhooked the oxygen from me and my nose. Diggy handed me some clothes since he brought me some. I got up from the bed and took off the gown and got changed, which hurt, considering my shoulder was bandaged up and so was my stomach. Diggy had to help me since my stomach was bandaged and it was cramping, AND I'm pregnant at the same time. I then put my shoes on and walked out with Diggy. We walked to the lobby of the hospital and checked out and drove home. When we got there Diggy covered my eyes with his hands and guided me into the house, I dont know why, but oh well. When we got into the living room Diggy took his hands off my eyes and our families were there and screamed "Welcome home Lexi!". A smiled spread on my face and tears of joy appeared. I went to go hug everyone and then sat down with Digg. He put his arm on my shoulder, and then everyone else sat down too. "Lexi I'm so glad that you're ok!" my mom said with tears in her eyes, "I'm glad I'm ok too, oh and everyone I have an announcement to make" I added. I looked at Diggy and smiled "Diggy would you like to tell them" "Sure, well Lexi is 3 weeks pregnant, were having a baby" he said cheerfully. Everyone at first was wide eyed and then they started to cheer,

"I;m so happy for you guys" Justine said and Diggy and I both said thank you. Everyone else said they're surprised and happy for us. After everyone left, we both went upstairs and into out room, Daniel was at daycare so we had the whole house to ourselves. My feet carried me up the stairs and to our bed and I plopped down. I laid down on my back, then Diggy same and laid beside me. He put his hands behind his head and started up at the ceiling. I then turned on my side and propped myself up with my arm, letting my head rest on my hand. My eyes watched Diggy carefully,I watched the expression on his face, trying to figure out what he was thinking.

Moving my body, I scooted closer to Diggy, to where my front side touched the side of him. "What are you thinking about?" I asked He turned his head towards me, his milk chocolate orbs shimmered in the light as they started intensely into mine. "About us, our life, our family, you nd everything that has happened to us, it's just to much and I. . .I just don't know what to do" he replied "Diggy everything will be fine, and is fine" "Lexi, no it isn't fine! You've gotten hurt too many time and I just want you to be safe" "Well. what are you trying to say?" "I' saying that we might need to be considering bout moving, for the sake of Daniel,you,and the baby" "yeah I guess you're right, we should be thinking about moving". He then turned on his side, copying the same position I saw in; our faces just inches apart.  "So do you want to start looking for houses?" he buzzed. "Yeah. . .I guess so. . .We should probably move into a different house asap, right" I said.

Diggy nodded, "Can you help me with something?" he probed, when he would talk his lips would slightly brush against mine:since we were so close . "And how might I be able to help you feel better? I edged on. "Hmm how bout you dance for me and I dance for you" "What kind of dancing you talking about?" I asked even thought I knew exactly what he was talking about,  A smirk formed on Diggy;s lips as he started at my body, "Well, I think you know the answer to that Lexi". "Ok fine" I muttered.

I got up from the bed, pulling Diggy up with me. I guided him to a wall in our room and pushed him up against it. I then walked over to the IPod doc and turned on Take You Down, I slowly and sexily walked back to Diggy and then turned my body around on him. At first I slid down his body and then came back up but butt first.For a while I grinded on him and then started to twerk, when the song was over I got off him and waited  with my arms crossed. Diggy walked over to the IPod doc and turned on Beg For It and he positioned me on him. At first I didn't feel anything but when the song really started Diggy REALLY got into it, he was holding my waist as he worked his hips. Dang. I never knew Diggy could grind like this.As he was doing what he was doing, I held my breath and closed my eyes, I cant believe this right now.When the song was over Diggy let go of my hips and got from behind me. : I then let my breath go and exhaled deeply. When I finally caught my breath I said, "DAYUUUUM DIGGY! I didn't know you could grind like that!" "Well you never knew cause we never really went out like that" "We should start going out some more." I said and he laughed.

We were just about to do something but we heard the doorbell ring. Diggy and I raced each other down the stairs, but like the winner I am, I beat him to the door. I looked at the side window and saw. . . MARISSA?! I thought she was dead!? I turned towards Diggy wide eyed, "I thought you said Marissa killed herself after she shot me!" I whispered "She did" "Then who is that?". Diggy then looked out the other side window, he then backed away. I slowly opened the door and looked at the girl. "Marissa what are you doing here?! What do you want from me?!" "I'm not Marissa" the girl said. "If you're not Marissa. . .Then who are you?" Diggy asked. The girl smirked evilly and the cocked her head to the side "Marissa never told you about me?" "Uhm no. . ." "Im Marissa's twin sister, Clarissa". Me and Diggy then looked at each other with fear im our eyes. "What do you want from me" "I want you. . .DEAD. . BECAUSE OF YOU MY SISTER IS GONE!" "Look. It is not my fault your sister was a psycho path! She shot me and then shot herself!" "Oh don't worry, I will come after you, so for now be happy and joyful but sooner or later your whole world will come crashing down". I then slammed the door n her face and locked it. I then ran to the alarm and turned it on, along with locking all the other doors. Diggy and I both ran up the stairs to our room and sat down. I looked at him and started to cry. He pulled me into him and then kissed my head. Oh lord what am I gonna do!?

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