What Is She Talking About

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Lexi's POV

When I woke up, a bright light was shining in my face. I tried to move my arms but I couldn't. My eyes darted around the room, nothing in my surroundings was familiar. At all. My head jerked back and I hit something. What the heck. I turned my head to the side and looked out the corner of my eye. Diggy. I hit Diggy's head. I looked down and there were tan roped tired around my body and to Diggy's. Our hands were tied up also. What happened? I sat there and thought for a while until it finally came to me. Clarissa! She kidnapped me and Diggy. That nutcase... I need to wake Diggy up.

"Diggy" I whispered, just in case Clarissa and her henchman wouldn't hear me.

No answer

"Diggy!" I whispered just a little bit louder. Still no answer. Ugh Diggy you need to wake up!.

"Daniel Dwayne Simmons if you don't wake your black a_s up!" I mumbled.

It was only til I realized that we were on chairs, hmm I got an Idea. I kicked my feet back and forth and rocked the chair. I did that for a while until the chair fell side ways and Diggy woke up.

"What the hell?!" Diggy yelled.

"Diggy shut the f_ck up, or else they'll hear us!" I whispered.

He turned his head and looked at me like I was crazy.

"Before WHO hears us" he asked

"Clarissa and her henchman, in case you haven't noticed already, we're tied up to chairs and in an ABANDONED WAREHOUSE!" I said.

He then looked around and his eyes grew huge, yeah now he noticed.

"What the hell, we need to get out of here" he said.

I looked at him like he was crazy, "No dip Sherlock, I've noticed that. But how, huh? We're tied up to chairs!"

"Lexi, calm down, your attitude isn't helping me or you and it's sho' ain't gonna get us out of here" Diggy muttered.

I looked at him and my faced softened up, "I'm sorry, I'm just stressed out. You forget I'm carrying another baby"

"No, I didn't forget" he said.

Before I could reply to him a huge screech went all throughout the place. Diggy and I both looked at the direction it came from. It was a huge door that had opened. The light from outside had filled up the whole warehouse. We could see a shadow of a figure walk through the door, along with two big bulky figures. It was Clarissa and her evil henchman. I could her the clicking of her heels against the hard floor. The clicks got louder and louder as she got closer and closer to us. When she finally did her black leather boots stopped right in front of my face. My eyes traveled up to her face as she looked at me with an evil grin on her face. Her eyes then flickered from me to Diggy In a flash. Her grin grew wider as she looked at Diggy's face.

"I didn't expect we would have to keep you too diggy." She said In a wicked tone

"Well we wouldn't be here if you would just understand that you sister was phsyco and she killed herself, Lexi had nothing to do with it" Diggy said smartly.

Clarrisas grin soon disappeared after that and she had a straight face.

"Don't get smart with me Simmons, because right now, right now in this warehouse I can make you do anything, I can make you watch anything. Suffer the pain" she said. Her devious gaze then switched over to me.

"Well Lexi, I see you've managed to get yourself tied up in a bad situation huh?" she said.

"No actually I didn't manage to do anything, you planned for this to happen. Not me" I muttered "Are you dumb or something? Cause last time I checked your sister MARISSA killed herself, my hands were not on the gun, she pulled the trigger. SHE KILLED HERSELF!" I screamed. Clarissa grin only grew even bigger as she listened to me.

"Oh and that's where you're wrong, Marissa is very much alive" she hissed. I looked at her like she was insane. Even Diggy knew that was a lie, he said that she shot herself after she shot me.

"That's a lie, Marissa killed herself after she shot Lexi" Diggy yelled.

"Well, that's what you think" Clarissa said while walking around to Diggy.

Clarissa then crouched down to Diggy and then smiled while patting his head. I could already tell Diggy was ready to punch her in the face, but he couldn't.

"Well I'll be back tomorrow, and don't try anything cause I've got cameras" she said while pointing to them. "And if you do escape, don't expect for me to not find you".

Diggy and I both looked at her as she walked out the building along side with her henchman.

"What did she mean when she said Marissa is very much alive? I mean that's impossible" Diggy asked.

"I don't know, but I hope she isn't cause that's double the trouble" I said.

For the rest of the day Diggy and I talked until night. I just hope Marissa isn't alive.

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