part three

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i couldn't believe that little pervert was taking pictures of me. luckily i wasn't nude or anything but he still saw me with no top or bottoms.

hearing my phone go off i walked over towards it seeing i got a text. the number was unrecognizable and i was confused.

mystery number to me;
don't trip mamas it was only a pic

confused i didn't know what to reply.

me to mystery number;
who is this? i think you have the wrong number

mystery number to me;

my eyes went wide as i saw a picture of me facing away from my window with my shirt off. i soon knew who it was.

me to mar;
how'd you even get my number?

mar to me;
i took it while you were in the bathroom. ;)

me to mar;
delete that photo now. that's so wrong.

mar to me;
calm down baby girl i can send something back?

me to mar;
ew please don't.

mar to me;
youre no fun
mar to me;
look out your window

walking over to my window i opened it to reveal a shirtless mar and then my phone started to ring.

"hello?" i said.

"like the view?" mar asked smirking.

"what the scrawny little guy across the" i replied with sass.

"mi amor that hurt right here." he said placing his hand over his heart.

"goodbye mariano." i said hanging up and shutting my curtains.

you are so hard to please.
do i have to go over and fuck you?

i couldn't believe what he had said. is this what other girls and boys text about.

no, that's disgusting.

don't play innocent with me bby

leave me alone mariano

i'm sorry my love


i had never talked to a boy really before so this was weird to me. especially one who wanted to do things i barely even knew about.

mariano seemed sweet but i was still afraid to do anything. maybe it wouldn't be that bad...

the boy next door | mariano castanoWhere stories live. Discover now