The Curse Of Ravenclaw High:Part 3

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Here Goes Nothing...


" What?" I said surprised since we had just met.

" I said... do you want to go on a date with me? I understand you probably already have a boyfriend with how beautiful you are." He said grinning.

Butterflies fluttering in my stomach, no guy has ever called me beautiful before, let alone someone I just met. Did I have a boyfriend? I wouldn't consider Zack my boyfriend... we are just going out.

"Yes I will go out with you." I beamed at him he grinned  back. 


"Where the heck have you been?" Toby asked when I walked through the garage door. Him and Ashely were waiting for me. I glared at her she shrugged and smiled meekly. "Out" I said simply with a shrug and walked past them through the kitchen into the living room and flipped on the t.v. Toby walked in the room without Ashley. Thats when I knew I was in worse trouble than before... Toby sat down beside me on the couch and turned the t.v. off. "Liberty?" He said. "hmm?" I muttered under my breath. He turned to me with a serious look on his face. "I want to be able to talk about things like this without us yelling at each other... like you and mom used to." He said with a sigh. I looked at him for a second. Then I hugged him around the waist since it was hard for him to mention anyone of our parents. He looked at me in surprise and then hugged me back. I was crying now. "Toby you have no idea how much I want that to. Your the only one I have left." I said sobbing. " You could never lose me Liberty even if you wanted to." He said stroking my hair. I slowly let go of him and nodded. "I was to harsh on you last night Libby. You shouldn't be grounded for that, your old enough to kiss whoever you want. Just not where I can walk in on you please?" He said a huge grin spreading across his face. "Oh thank you thank you thank you!" I yelled hugging him. I ran upstairs flopped on my bed and pulled out my cell phone. Then tapped on the contact Sam. I called him.

"Hello Liberty Jones." Sam said and I could tell by his voice he was smirking.

"I thought you were grounded?" He continued 

"I was. I am ungrounded now..." I said and trailed off.

"I am coming to pick you up." He said.

"call ended" my phone chimed. 

Well that was easier than expected.

I walked down stairs taking two steps at a time. "Toby!" I called when I reached the bottom of  the stairs. "What!?" he called back. I assumed he was in the kitchen. "I'm going out with a guy I met this morning!" I yelled. I now realized how stupid I sounded. I barely knew the guy now I was going to spend my whole Saturday with him? "Okay, be Home around dinner time!" He yelled back. I was so surprised I jjumped when he said okay. He trusted my judgement. 

Ding Dong.

 I opened the door to see Sam. "Bye Toby!" I called and slammed the front door. My eyes widened when I saw a blue sports car in my drive way. "Nice car." I said, Sam smiled widely at me. "Well I have had a lifetime to acquire it." I looked at him confused. Wasn't he only eighteen? "yes I'm eighteen Liberty! I told you before can't you read my mind? aren't you an Unnatural?" He asked. I looked at him as though he were crazy. "A what?" I asked moving closer to him suddenly very cold. "A Unnatural , they live forever and can read minds some are incredibly strong. I am one and I can tell when there is an Unnatural around me. And you are one." It was shocking to be something that I didn't even know was real. "Prove it to me." I said still unsure. "there are two ways I can prove it to you do you pick number one or number two?" he said grinning wider. "Two" I said. "Think of me and what I'm thinking of will pop Into your head." he said. I thought hardly about Sam. Then a thought popped into my head but it wasn't mine. "Your thinking of kissing me, but you don't think you should because we just met." I said and bit my lip to keep from laughing when I saw Sam blush. "You're correct, and your thinking that you wouldn't mind if I kissed you, but your worried about someone named Zack. The guy who kissed you last night." He said smiling. Now it was my turn to blush. Every thing he said was true I was thinking of Zack and how he would feel if I dumped him. "Sam?" I said as we were walking towards the car. "hmm?" He said turning around. " How do you become an Unnatural?" I asked my eyebrows rising. "There are three ways. Which oddly enough we call the Death Roads. The first way is if two Unnatural's have a child, When the child is born two children die that are not Unnatural's for that Unnatural to live. The seconded way is If you touch or drink our blood the Unnatural will die and you will become an Unnatural. The third way is the worst way of all, an Unnatural kisses you and fifteen people have to die to keep you alive if the Unnatural dosen't love you." Sam said with a sigh. I suddenly remembered last night when Zack kissed me. It was the only thing that explained. My parents couldn't be Unnatural's they had died. And... wait blood. I had ripped Zack off Chase yesterday and got blood all over . It was either the second way or the third way. I'm not sure which is better.


When we arrived at Sam's place I realized he probably lived alone. There were two bedrooms and one bathroom, a living room, a kitchen and a small dinning room. But then I felt like someone was watching me. "Lauren! come out! your scaring our guest she can sense you she is an Unnatural!" Sam called. I knew he had read my mind. Suddenly a girl my age came out of nowhere she had he same deep blue eyes and hair as Sam. "Sorry I can't sense Unnatural's when I use my invisibility powers." she shrugged and made her way to the kitchen. I followed her into the kitchen. She was gone. "Lauren?" I called. She flashed in front of me. "you've learned my name already?"She asked. I nodded I knew it before Sam had said it oddly enough. " Curious" she mumbled. Then I couldn't see her again and she popped up behind me sitting on the island with her legs crossed. "Are you Samuel's girlfriend?" she asked staring at me. "No I am not I'm afraid." I responded. "Not yet anyway" A voice by the door said. It was Sam. I smiled. He grinned. "so do both of you have special powers?"  I asked wondering if I would get any. "no, only second born's get special powers" Sam huffed running a hand through his hair leaning against the door frame. "Jealous much?" Lauren cooed at him. "Are you a second born Liberty?" He asked ignoring Lauren's last comment. "Yes but I don't think I have any power's besides mind reading." I shrugged. "You do have a power... seeing the future." Lauren said putting her pointer fingers on her temples and closing her eyes. Sam walked closer to me in the room and whispered in my ear. "She has an extra power, she can see all of an Unnatural's power's" My heart started beating faster. Then a Person popped up in my head with a name under it. "A man named John is here." I whispered. Lauren blushed and then dispersed. Now it was Sam and I alone. Sam came closer to me and pinned my arms against the wall. "Do you know how long I've waited for someone like you?" he asked a smirk rising on his face. "Someone like me?" I questioned. "Yes Liberty, someone as perfect as you." He said leaning closer. "I'm not perfect Sam." I said quickly my heart beating faster. "You are in my eyes." Before I could say anything his lips brushed against my neck to my jaw and then to my own lips. I twisted my fingers in his hair. Suddenly a whistle was heard from the door way. "Jeez man! Don't kill the newbie." I heard a loud thud like some one dropping something and I opened my eyes to stare at the door way. There was the guy I saw in my vision and then there was...







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