The Curse Of Ravenclaw High: 12

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I woke up Monday morning realizing how much time I had left before we started the war. I lay back in bed thinking about Sam. I wondered why he had left. Probably because of me.

I sighed. Why did it have it to be this way?

I got up and got dressed I walked downstairs to see Toby pouring cereal.

"Where is Sam? I miss my gourmet breakfast's." 

I fought back tears.

"On vacation with his family." I choked out.

"Oh." Toby said

I looked at the clock. "Got to go." I said and grabbed my keys off the counter and walked out to my car.

I drove to school in silence I didn't feel like music today.

When I got to school I saw Lauren parking next to me I got out and looked at her.

She smiled weakly I gave the same sort of smile back.

I walked over to her and she waited for me.

"Where'd Sam actually go?" I asked studying her face.

She frowned. "I'm so sorry Libby he is a jerk. He left with Mandy on a 'mission'" She said putting air quotes around mission.

I fought my tears back. He had got over me that easily when he had claimed to love me?

"I'm so sorry." Lauren said patting me on the back.

"It's okay." I said and my voice cracked Lauren raised an eyebrow.

"Did they take Nikki with them?" I managed to ask.

"No she is still at your mom's. Libby how about we have some girl time at my place tonight I'll be lonely." She pleaded with a smile.

I laughed the first time I had really, truly laughed in a long time.

"That sounds good." I said smiling at her. She was the only girl friend I had right now.

"You can come to my place after school 'k. Come on we are going to be late!" Lauren laughed and grabbed my hand rushing me into school.


Seven brutal hours later I was heading to Lauren's apartment complex.

We arrived there in fifteen minutes. I stepped out of the car and  breathed in the fresh air.

Then I followed Lauren to her apartment.

"Home,sweet home." She sang as we walked into the apartment.

I looked around the familiar living room and then walked into the kitchen looking at the spot where Sam first kissed me.

I whimpered trying not to cry. I was such a baby a can't be love sick all the time I had a war to win. 

"You can cry about it you know. I won't judge you." Lauren said entering the room.

"No, I'm fine really." Why did I lie to her she can see right through me.

"Sure... your mom invited us over for pizza later Nikki wants to see you." She said grabbing an apple and bitting into it.

"Yeah that would be great I... miss her." I said looking at Lauren.

"I think you should call me Ren. I only let my closet friends call me Ren and I consider you a best friend Libby." Lauren said with a smile.

"Ren.... nice." I sighed then looked up to her and smiled.

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