Return To Me

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Dear future You and Me,

This is our story. It's told purely through these letters I'm writing to you. I will also add any other relevant  notes we have shared over the last eleven years. As I write this first letter, I feel as if half of me is missing. That half is you. Although you're right next to me, you might as well be on the moon. I just wish you would wake up. The doctors said you should within the next week. It's been two months already though. I'm a shell without you. I need you so please come back.

There is a reason I'm making this huge scrapbook just now as I listen to the slow, yet steady rhythm of your breathing and the consistent beep of your heart rate, which had been almost my sole source of company these past few months. The reason is this. Although you might wake up, you might not remember me. I've been ignoring that piece of information for a while now, but now I know you may return to me again soon, I feel it's time I should do this.

What this is, is a scrapbook of us. It's memories of how it all began and how it progressed where it was going. It's old thoughts and stories, but also my current thoughts and feelings. Do you want to know my thoughts right now? Well Jackson, I'm scared. No scratch that. I'm petrified. I can't lose you. I can't lose you,not now. Not since you walked into that classroom when we were seven. You are my rock and my anchor and without you, there's no way out.

So please.


Return to me.

I love you and that will never change.

So let's officially start this. I'm going to start by telling you how we first met.


Isla XxXx

P.s. This is addressed to both of us because I want to use this to reminisce on days gone by as we grow old.


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