This is Where 'us' Began.

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Dear future us,

We met on the 21st of August, 1997. It was the second year of primary school and we had never met before then, we had been in different classes for primary one. The bell rang and we all filed in from the playground and into our classroom. Our teacher, Mrs Smith had made a seating plan and written out names on these pieces of cards and she told us to find our name then sit down and say hello to our new friends.

The commotion in the class I can still recall, just like I can recall her melody filled voice. Half of us darted around the classroom, whilst the rest of us tried to avoid being knock down with excessive effort. Do you remember what group you were part of? It shouldn't surprise you to know that you were one of the rowdy bunch.

You know how we met? I'd managed to avoid everyone, successfully finding my chair, suddenly just as I was pulling out my chair to sit down you hurtled and what seemed like 100 miles per hour out of nowhere and bashed right into me, causing me fall over and you to land right on top of me. As fast as you'd appeared I had you were up off of me and grabbing my hand in yours and tugging me to my feet.

We both sat awkwardly and stayed silent whilst everyone else found their seats. Even when Mrs Smith tried to get us to engage us in a conversation would we not utter a word. In the end Mrs Smith gave us some scrap paper and got us to write down little messages to each other. We did that for days. Neither daring to utter the first word. Of course we spoke to everyone else but just not one another.

It took us three weeks to first talk, and once we did, have we ever stopped? Well I guess you stopped right now. We still passed notes back and forth all the time though, that never changed either.

I was going through my old memory boxes last week. The ones our mums made together for our Christmas a couple years ago.

They made me smile and they made me cry.

I cried because they made me miss you even more.

One of the boxes are just our notes. I chose some of my favourites to leave with this part of our story here. Hope you enjoy these. I hope we enjoy these again sometime together.

Isla xXxX


This was our first note, we wrote on the same piece of paper, our grammar and spelling was atrocious back then but what can you expect we were like six?

Hi I jakson.
Helo isla

That was it. That's all we said. It's simple, although our story wasn't all that straight forward.


Unedited/proofread. I think what I will do is doing a partner book for this with all the notes that are as important in there, therefore keeping the main explanatory letters and important notes of there's in here.

Vote, comment, maybe?

Dedicated toarctic-lights for making a beautiful, smart amazing cover! Check out her stories and follow her maybe? :)

Okay enough bye xx

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