Welcome to the Member Log!

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Hi 107awesome here!

This is the Member Log, where all the members' names and if they are in the house of not will be recorded! 

When you join, please fill out these forms below. And please do it on the correct one!


Please put your name in the following example if you have been SORTED INTO THE fifth house!

- @usernamegoeshere 

__________ (combination of houses goes here)

Cool, unknown, I'm actually just an example!!, and awesome. (some adjectives to descrive you)

Jan. 51st 1898 (date you joined)

I just luvvvv pizza and food! PerCY JACKSON FAN ALL THE WAY PERCABETH IS THE BEST- Uh... I'm a demigod too!!! (additional information about you. It can be likes, dislikes, other fandoms your in, if you aren't just a wizard...)


Please put your name in the following example if your NOT part of the fifth house, BUT you are just a cool Harry Potter fan who deserves to be a part of this small community of fans!

- @usernamegoeshere 

_____ (Your Hogwarts house!)

Cool, awesome, amazing, I can be quiet sometimes though... Did I say I'm not real yet? (Some adjectives to describe you)

Jan. 51st 1898 (date you joined)

FOOD AND PIZZA ARE AMAZING! I just hate hot dogs tho. LOVE PERCY JACKSon AND IT'S OTP SHIPS AHHHH!!! IMMA DEMIGOD! don't forget about my other fandoms like KOTLC :D (some additional information about you. It can be likes, dislikes, other fandoms your in, if you aren't just a wizard... ect.)


Thanks so much guys! Hope y'all enjoy!

- The Founders

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