Charlie Cont.

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I got my things and went into the apartment building. I was walking up the stairs and I seen a  drug trading thingy.

"The fuck you looking at, lil bitch?" A dude said. He looked like he was my age.

I ran up the stairs to my apartment. I live in 2D. I opened the door and set my things down.  I called my mom. She didn't answer. What a stick in the mud.
And hour later I heard a knock at the door.

I opened it. It was some kids my age. I think. They looked gangster. Is that how you say it.

"Wassuh, I'm Malek." He said.

"Um, hello." I said.

"Why you talk all proper and shii. Talk like you got some sense mofucka." The girl standing next to him said.

"Well, how do you want me to talk?"

"Nigga, did you hear me, I said like you got some sense." She yelled at me.

"I-I I don't know what that is." I said all scared.

"He slow asf, how the hell we supposed to have somebody to replace muffy-" The girl said.

"Look, don't worry about that, I got a feeling he got some balls." Malek said interrupting her.

"I'm Taylor, but you can call me tay." A pretty light skin girl said.

"What's yo name, lil homie?" Another dude popped up out of nowhere.

"Hey! Aren't you that guy I saw in the hallway?" I asked.

"Awe yeah, that was you? I'm Trevor, but don't call me that, call me tre." He said.

"Um, okay." I said.

"Who's she?" I asked.

"Oh shit, my name is Danielle, but call me Dani, or I'll bust yo ass and have you calling for yo mami." She said smiling.

"Oh snap, write that down Dani." Malek said real happy.

"Anyway, um what are you guys doing here, looking for somebody like me?" I asked.

"Well, I saw you get out that taxi and thought you could be in our lil gang, but you got to pass the tests we give you." He said.

"Okay." I said. Never thought I could be in a gang.

How do y'all like it so far, I feel like I'm doing an okay job. I'm making myself laugh just writing it. I hope you guys read my book. Toodles 💋.

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