░▒▓█ 1 - o p u s █▓▒░

33 0 0

"Ichika Hinata, you have been accepted into UA's Support Course, and the hero course, 1-A."

I almost spat out my Mountain Dew. 


"You must be confused, so allow me to explain. While you partook in the entrance exams for the support course, you also recieved a reccomendation from an anonymous pro-hero for the hero course. As such, you will partake in hero training, and also be allotted free time in the support course laboratory. You are expected at UA on the xx day of the xx month for a quirk apprehension test. We hope to see you at UA. Plus Ultra!"

I played the recording back a few more times before I pulled out my phone and went straight to my contacts. 

>>Mei Hatsume

I: "Mei, I got i-"


I: "Thank you Mei, very cool. Anyways, so I'm in 1-H, and 1-A."

M: "How does that even work?"

I: "I did well on the support course entrance exams, but I was also reccomended for the hero course. Now I have some stupid reccomendation apprehension thingy in a couple days."

M: "Oof. Wanna meet up tomorrow and work on some babies?"

I: "Eh, sure. Your workshop or mine?"

M: "Yours, you have so much cool stuff!"

I: "Ok, see ya tomorrow."

M: "Byeeeee~!"

I turned off my phone and slammed my head down on to my desk, sadly drawn blueprints flying all around me, most of them built to help enhance my own quirk. After a few minutes of imagining what life at UA would be like, I finally decided to go and get materials for Mei and I's workshop session tomorrow. There were certain stores that specialized in support items for heroes, and acted as suppliers for support companies. Fortunatley, there was one that the general public had access to that was near my house. 

"Ah, Hinata. Back for more materials?" the nice cashier lady smiled at me. 

"Yup, Mei and I are having another session tomorrow." I said nonchantly before going to get some metals, wires, and tools. I looked over a few blueprints and rushed around the store getting all the materials I needed. Eventually, after I had about an entire cart full of various items, needed or not, I finally checked out. I honestly felt bad for the lady who had to check it out for me. 

I finally got back to my house, where I'd converted one room into a workshop with my parent's permission.  I spent the next half an hour unloading everything and putting the materials into various drawers and containers. Once I was done, I collapsed into one of the chairs I'd put in there. 

After a few minutes, I went and got my blueprinting materials and started sketching out a blueprint to help with the drawbacks of my quirk. 

Ichika Hinata! 

Her Quirk... Telekenesis!

Telekenesis allows her to levitate and move around objects with the will of her mind alone. If overused, Ichika will start revieving mysterious cuts and injuries on her body. The longer she overuses her quirk, the worse the injuries become. The worst reported injury so far is a broken bone! 

"Geez, this is some weird shonen anime stuff." I said out loud once the monologue finished. By that time, I'd finished up the blueprint. The device I'd designed was meant to create a forcefield of energy that would tightly fit around my body without affecting my movement. It was more of an expirement than anything. I listed out all the materials I'd need, and then went to the kitchen. 

From the looks of it, my parents had already eaten. I grabbed some ravioli out of the freezer and microwaved it. While I waited, I checked my phone. It was only 7, so I figured I'd work on the base for my support device. I took the ravioli to my workshop and ate it while I looked over the blueprint, changing things up where I needed to. 

I decided to make a lot of the base structure, and I'd do the wiring and whatnot with Mei. 

Eventually, I had an empty shell, and all I needed was wiring and energy. I looked at my clock. 10PM. 

"eh, it'll be a workshop night." 

I stayed up for the rest of the night working on other concepts and ideas before eventually falling asleep at my workshop desk. 

= = = = = = = =

"Ichika-Chan!" A cheery voice woke me up. 

"Hatsume-Chan." I mumbled, half asleep. I became fully awake when a thicc protein bar was thrown directly at my forehead.

"oW thart hurted...." I lifted my head up and looked at the time. 4AM. 

"Alrighty! Let's get started." Mei said with the energy of a thousand espressos. 

"Ok, ok..." I rubbed my head and picked up a screwdriver and some parts. I started craftign the circuit board, while Mei made some odd explosive device. We worked for a few hours, before a subtle beeping noise brought me put of my creator's rush. The beeping grew faster. 




I coughed, waving my hand in front of me to clear the dust from the debris.

"My baby..."

"My device..."

My workshop was ok for the most part. A lot of my materials, however, didn't fair so well. 

"Let's call it quits for today..." I sighed, as Hatsume and I cleaned up. She went home shortly after. 


Next Chapter: ░▒▓█ 2 - c r i t e r i o n █▓▒░

Expected Release Date: March 17, 2019

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