Chapter One--

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"hey! Dumb fuck!" Riley said to me while I was walking towards my locker.

I slowly turned around to see none other then the one.. The only.. Queen bitch on WestField High school.

"Yes..." I slowly asked

"You think your so cool, just because you have Cameron wrapped around your little finger huh?" She asked with so much hatred in her voice, it made me cringe.

"No, In Fact   I don't. So you can do suck a fucking dick because I know I'm not cool. So fuck you" I spat her

Everyone around us ooohed.

"whatever. Just because we were once best friends doesn't mean shit" she said

"I honest to god think that was the worst fucking  mistake I ever made. I don't  need a dumb hoe in my life. Go screw yourself." I said and slammed my locker with so much force, I'm surprised it didn't break.


When I got home, I saw my mom and dad in the kitchen, my mom on the island and my dad in between her legs.

"If you guys wanted to do it.. Go up to your room" I laughed.

My mom blushed,  and my dad laughed at her.

"I love after 14 years of you guys being married, ma, you still blush."

"Uh.. Um.. Your my child, shut up!" She laughed.

I was the only child besides my twin Brother, Angel.

Yeah..Don't ask. I dont even know why they named him that


I was unable to sleep.

"You think your so cool just because you have Cameron wrapped around
Your little finger huh?"

those words replayed in my head, over .. And over... And over..

Tap tap tap...


Tap Tap Tap...

I got up from my bed and walked over to my window.

Only to see ...



"What are you doing here?!" I whisper yelled

He shrugged. "I dunno. Just wanted to see you I guess" he winked

I immediately turned red, like my whole face. Arms and everything. I'm just glad its 12:30 at night so he couldn't see me that well.


"Come on" I sighed


He climbed in my window  like it was nothing.

"How'd you get to my window anyways."

"Um.. This wonderful thing called a ladder?" He said sarcastically

"Well no fucking duh"

"Then why'd you  ask?"

"I mean how do you climb in here like it's nothing?"

"I've had my fair share of practice" he said

Well then...

"Well then.."

I went over to my door and locked it, so no one could get in.

"Lay down." I deadpanned

"Well damn okay." He said, taking off his shirt and keeping on his basketball shorts.

I couldn't help but stare...  I mean who wouldn't?! I mean the Cameron Dallas is in my room for gods sake! WITH NO SHIRT MAY I ADD!

He cleared his throat and smirked. "Em hem. If your done checking me out..." He trailed off

"No .. I .. I wasn't.. Okay whatever."

He laid down on the right side of my bed.

"Um excuse me. Thats my side. Schooch your bootch."

"No . I always sleep on the Right."

"Okay. Okay." As I was walking around the  bed, I pushed the unsuspecting Cameron to the floor and laid down.

"Haha. Thats what you geeeeet" I sung

"Well I realized you wanted me below you... But you could've asked..." He smirked.

"Bish whet."


Hey guise!

So that was  the first chapter.. Do you like it?

I think it came along good. Wbu?


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