Chapter Two

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Picture of Delilah ^^

I woke up with a tan heavy arm wrapped around my stomach.

Memories from yesterday came flooding in, and I remembered him tapping my window to come and sleep with me.

*Flash Back*

"Yes! He's so cute! Ahh!" Riley said.

Were currently in the 9th grade, and me and Riley are best friends.

I just have to break the news to her that I am crushing big time on her crush ... Cameron .. Cameron Dallas.

"Hey Riley ... I need to tell you something.. " I said , my voice a little shaky.

Let me tell you something about Riley

1.) She's spoiled, so if she doesn't get want she wants, well you know. She's throws a baby fit.

2.) She has / still has a major Cameron Crush,

3.) She will destroy whoever gets in her way of getting Cameron.

"Yes , Lil ?"


"Speak clearly."

"Okay.. Cameron."

"Yes, what about him?"

"Well ever since I've known him I've liked him." I say, my cheeks heating up.


"I'm sorry Riley!"

"You never told me either.. What kind of best friend are you" she spat

"Riley!" I chased after her.

"No! You thought you could just keep this a secret ?!"

"No but-"

"No Delilah. "

Oh crap.. She only calls me Delilah when its seriouse.

With that, and back up against the locker and slowly slide down, looking at the locket in my hands.

Jacob.. I really need you.



I grabbed then locket in between my fingers as I sat at the lunch table with

Cam, Sydney, Angel, Candy, and Candy's boyfriend, Aaron. Angel is my Twin brother - Were Identical. Don't even ask why his name was 'Angel'

To be honest, he was the complete opposite..

Well to me when out parents weren't around.

I swear, Popping out 2 minutes before me doesn't me you get to boss me around. Damn.

"Hey Aaron" I smile at him

He was the ultimate player - but he seemed to be really liking Candy. Maybe even loving her. I mean, if you saw the looks he shot her when she wasn't looking, you would say the same thing. Dont act like you won't.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when a warm pair of lips hit the back of my neck.

I laughed "hey Cameron"

"Heylo" ( A/n say it like hey-low)

"Hey, don't you think Sarah and Stephan would be cute! OTP!" Candy Squealed

"Thats true.. Have you made a ship name yet?" I asked

"Yes actually! Sterah."

"What the actual fuck." Aaron says, coming to the table with his food.

"Apparently Sarah and Stephan's ship name."

"They own a ship?"

Candy thwacked him on the back of the head.

"No dumbass! There OTP! One true pair! There ship name!"

"I dont get it but I LOVE YOU!" Aaron shouted.

Candy's face instantly heated up, and made everyone at the table laugh.

"Aww your so cute when you blush babe!" Aaron teases.

"Shut up." She grumbles.

"CANDY!" I shout


"Can you come over after school and hangout?"

"I'll ask, sure."

She fished her phone out of her pocket and started typing to which I Assumed what her mom, because her mom is that chill parent who meets her do whatever ; whenever.

"She said yeah just as long as I get home before midnight."

"Your mom is so chill my god." I breathe

This makes everyone laugh, and I hear Cam 's over all of them

I got up near his ear and whispered

"You cam... Have a beautiful laugh."

He looked caught off guard and his neck got red.


Everyone at the table turns at us, and starts laughing at cam

He whispered in my ear with that low - beautiful voice,

"You're going regret that sweetcheecks."


You like?

Sorry if I didn't get updating fast it's because this book isn't getting out there , and i thought, 'I should just stop' sorry if the chapters aren't that long ~ I'm trying to get more into it.

But I didn't give up on the book.

So hey

How ya doin.

Well bah sweetcheeks.

~ kvng_wxlf

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