#3 Did you really forget?

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[Component three]

Quote of the day: "Eddie, it's me, your old pal! Shaemus McFuckyourself!"


"No, this can't be it! This doesn't even sound like Nate - I mean he'd never... - He wouldn't right?", rambled Piper after she found her voice again.

"Well obviously he would! I always knew this whole I'm-fighting-for-you-and-staying-by-your-side-talk was total bullcrap! Nobody could be this noble!", Cait started getting herself worked up and she was obviously hurt, although she'd never admit it to her friends. "That scammer! Now he left us nonetheless! I guess you just can't trust a filthy vault-dweller after all -"

Before anyone could tell Cait to just shut the fuck up, she was pinned roughly to the wall, a large combat knife against her throat.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence Cait or I swear, I'm going to end you right here.", Hancock threatened in his rough voice.

Cait swallowed hard and managed a single nod. Nevertheless Hancock didn't loosen his grip on her, still staring her down with fire and fury in his eyes.
Then Nick laid his hand on Hancocks shoulder, softly telling him to let go. Slowly Hancock let go of Cait and returned to his seat on the couch.
The atmosphere was now tense and hostile. It felt as if there was a rad-storm coming their way, it felt as if there was radiation clawing at them, suffocating them. They were scared, but for the sake of the others and also for their own they kept quiet.

Finally Piper broke the silence again. It felt as if hours had passed which everyone either spent lost in their own thoughts and trying to wrap their mind around what had happend or thinking about what would now going to happen.

"But I-I guess Cait's not entirely wrong. Nate did leave us.", she stated softly.

Hancocks body was twitching and the knife had again appeared in his hand. But before he could finish his former threat, Deacon surprised everyone by snapping harshly at Piper.

"Would you just cut it the fuck out! Nate's our FRIEND! You might have forgotten what he did for us, but I DON'T!
I had been following him for MONTHS before he came to the Railroad. I observed everything he did and I remember every favor and every kindness he offered to each and every of us. Did you seriously forget how he helped you get back into Diamond City? How he stood by your side even though everyone called you crazy? How he saved you COUNTLESS of times in various fights, Piper?!"

Piper looked to the ground ashamed. How could she forget? Nate had done so much for her. But now he was gone...

Deacon now addressed all of them. He seemed really outraged and targeted everyone that came into his firing line.

"Did you forget, Cait, how he took you from the Combat zone? How he bought your contract and then set you free? How he has helped you with every problem you have encountered? Or did you forget MacCready how he risked his life to cure your son, a boy he didn't even know.
How he saved the Minutemen and dedicated his life to the settlers and the needy of the Commonwealth. How he helped clear out dangerous locations and criminals. How he was hurt over and over again just to save us even when we weren't even his friends.
Nate is the best fucking thing that has happend the Commonwealth in a long time and I adore him for his kind heart and noble actions every day. He has saved me in every way possible and also numerous times. If this man isn't our friend, I don't know who else could ever be!"

Nobody had ever seen Deacon loose control like that. They were all shocked in a stunned silence thinking about what he had just said.
And as Nick, the ever so observant detective, looked at Deacon and Hancock and MacCready he could see the same emotion burning in their eyes that he always noticed in the fleeting glances Danse directed to Nate when he thought that no one was watching them. He sensed that this was going to get very complicated in the future - or rather in the past...?


Danse sat alone in Nate's house on their bed. He hid his face in his hands, which were already slightly wet. He couldn't remember the last time he'd cried. He thought the Brotherhood of Steel and their hard training would have rid him of all his emotions but this proved to be completely wrong in this one specific moment. Danse had been fighting against a herd of feral ghouls just outside the old police station of Cambridge. He had known he wouldn't make it out there alive, it was just impossible. But right there in his weakest moment, when he had been pushed to the ground, a single shot had echoed through the sounds of the fight. And it had been followed by many more, slowly taking out all the ghouls, never missing one target. And then just like that, Danse had been saved, against all odds. He didn't know what kind of person he expected to jump of the small roof of the station. He might have considered it to be a Minuteman or some really skilled settler or maybe even a perfectly timed member of the Brotherhood. He'd never expected to see a man in strange blue suit, freshly out of a vault, jumping down this roof and making his way over to him. But in the few seconds it took Nate to reach Danse, he had time to take in the, under the sun glowing, red, silky hair, the striking blue eyes, the slim, acrobatic frame and the sheer elegance this man possesed. And when Nate came to a halt and offered Danse his hand, smiling at him with such honesty and warmth, Danse had known he was in love. He had fallen hard and he had fallen deep.

And as he now felt the tears running down his cheeks, he decided that this couldn't, no, WOULDN'T be the end. He had to get Nate back. He WOULD get Nate back, no matter what it takes.



*despacito starts playing in the background, a crash following and the music stopping again*
Buffout was laying on the floor, stuffing her body with Sugar Bombs while crying like a depressed maniac.
"It's nice to meet the characters from other perspectives, you know? Like, more emotional, not always in their one emotion, I guess."
Psycho sits peacefully next to the - because of a Sugar Bomb suffocating - Buffout, legs crossed while throwing some crumbs away.
Buffout slowly crawls to her phone and calls a number.
"Travis my man.", she says with her cracking voice.
"My name is Mark.", an annoyed male voice answers.
"Play, something from the Ink Spots Travis, we need it."
"I'm not- oh, screw it. Give me a sec.", he hangs up and Buffout crawls to an old radio and looks for the perfect frequency.
"Good evening, my friends. Did life give you some lemons? 'It's all over but the crying.' from the Ink Spots for your broken and sad hearts. Love you, Buffout."
Buffout sobs and crawls under a blanket while listening to the sad song.
Psycho just rolls her eyes and shrugs, as the curtains close once again.
The crowd wasn't cheering though, they were all crying. Or sleeping. Who knows.

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